xiii; vigilant: hisoka

497 13 3

female y/n




keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.

theme song: tell em - cochise

timeline: before canon

a/n: this is strictly platonic with the reader as hisoka's sister! i do not condone incest whatsoever and do not wish to portray it in my work. this is also a request.


" i'm home. " exhaustion was evident in her voice, the words coming out practically as a sigh. she didn't want to see her brother at all.

" y/n~ why are you so down? honestly, if looks could kill i would be long dead. " the smirk creeping up his face was uncanny, but the girl was used to his tiresome antics. yet, she felt the air go cold in an instant as a slender finger pointed at her neck. his long nail almost cut the skin that throbbed with pain. " ne, y/n-chan, what is this staining your skin? " he was gesturing to the violent red bruise y/n had been given last night.

" you know what it is hisoka, god. don't make me say it. " her frustration was stark clear; he needed to stop being so goddamn overbearing and let her give her life.

" oh i know what it is imouto. " he had stopped pointing at it and was instead playing with the king of hearts. " but what i do want to know is who gave it to you. who is...let's say...the king of your heart? "

" why do you care? i can do what i please with who i please. it's not your business. " she challenged his him with [eye colour] eyes that were such a contrast to his cunning amber ones.

" i didn't know you slept around y/n. " he mocked condescendingly, like he was baiting her to tell him.

" maybe i do. " she mused, playing into his antics. however, this wasn't the right decision. the man threw his card in the blink of an eye, a flash of white came flying at her head with the precision of a professional. her head whipped sideways to a void the deathly blow and when she turned around to meet the culprit, all playing tone of his had dissolved.

" who gave you it? clearly asking nicely isn't working for you. " he had flicked out a new card, the jack of spades.

unfortunately, he couldn't intimidate someone who knew him like the back of her hand. " you're all psycho mode again. are you going to do this every time i have a sexual interaction with someone? get over yourself hisoka. and just for your information, it was your 'dear' illumi. " his amber eyes were clouded with malicious intent, confusion and a hint of mischief.

" well well well, that's a problem isn't it? " he joked, whilst wondering millions of ways he could make illumi suffer. " you slept with my friend? "

she didn't miss a beat. " is he really your friend? "

the smirk that crept up his face was wide. " siblings are truly alike huh? i'm guessing you found out i slept with mei. "

she sighed. " yep. and what better way to get back at you? " before hisoka could blink, a card came flying his way that he caught barely in time. the card still cut him, warm blood trickling down his fingertips. as he looked up at his sister, he saw the smug smile that adorned her face. she was standing up now, close to the door. " try not to sleep around hisoka. especially with people close to me. and don't be surprised when i do it back. "

" oh believe me y/n, i'm not surprised at all. "

she slammed the door shut, back outside again.


hahaha we love y/n in this one
it is 3:20 i have to wake up at 7:00 oh lord
i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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