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𝗜 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 reach my Aunt Skyler and Uncle Walter's home first. I knock on the door and my cousin opens the door. "R-Rena!" Walt Jr exclaims in excitement, as his eyes widen. I grin a bit. "Hi, kiddo." I have to look up at him now and I now glare. "Damn, you have gotten tall."

This makes him give a bit of a laugh with a smile. "You are are just tiny, Rena." He says with his stutter. I roll my eyes playfully and I see my Aunt Skyler talking with a worker of someone's and Aunt Marie in the kitchen. I reach up and ruffle his hair then decide to join the women after wishing my Uncle Walter a happy birthday as I see him chatting with Uncle Hank.

He thanks me with a nod, which is a bit off by him, he would normally ruffle my hair or hug me when he sees me. Something is clearly bothering him. My Uncle Hank ruffles my hair, though. Making me groan a bit and leave the two men to talk with the other males. "Aunt Marie? Aunt Skyler?" I call. Aunt Marie stops talking to her sister and this dark haired woman, she turns to face me.

"Oh my gosh, Skyler. Look at her. She's all grown up." Aunt Skyler turns and sees me, her face shows shock. "Holy.... Christ, I remember when you were really little. You used to get in your Aunt Marie and I's makeup. But look at you..." Her eyes begin tearing up.

"Ugh. Hormones." She mutters but I hear her, I give her then Aunt Marie a raised perfectly arched eyebrow. "Marie, you didn't tell my other brother-in-law? That is so wrong, you know Serena would've loved to know." She scoffs, then turns her attention to me.

"I'm pregnant, again." Her face shows happiness and like she's glowing. I have my arms crossed, "Good for ya, Aunt Sky, you're barely showing." My accent is thick and I give her a slight smile. I grab a bottle of beer, I take a sip from it. "Glock 22, that's my daily carry, okay?" I hear my Uncle Hank explain, I turn to my aunts. "I am going to go to your house Aunt Marie, move my bags in, then run some errands, alright?" I get a nod from the aunt I was talking to. My aunts kiss my cheeks, I grab one more beer as I exit out of the kitchen.

"Uncle W, Uncle Hank, I am going to unload my bags, I have to run errands afterwards." They both nod at me, "C-Can I come w-with you..." I cut my younger cousin off with a slight sympathetic smile. "It's about my business, Junior." He nods, masking his sadness. "Hey, I will get you ice cream and drop it off on my way back, and we can have a movie night." I comfort him. He starts grinning a bit, getting happy again and I ruffle his hair then my uncle's hair then smack on my other uncle's bald head. "Damn, Uncle Hank. Goin' all bald on me?" I joke.

I hear my Uncle Hank exclaim out to me in offense and Uncle W acts like he pulls the trigger with him exclaiming bang from behind me, I dramatically gasp and act hurt as I turn to him. I decide that's my cue to leave and sell some pot. I wonder if my childhood friend still lives in Albuquerque.

Brandon Mayhew, also known as Badger. I met him in kindergarten. Badger was that super friendly kid who befriended the outcasts, the introverts, or just tried befriending everyone he saw. I stop at a place on the street where it looks like there's drugs being exchanged. I walk up to a few guys and I get wolf whistled at by a pervert, I glare at him coldly.

"Do ya really think that I need a pig like ya? Now, I am warning you, scram." I bark out coldly as I take out my switchblade, he jumps back and bumps into the guy next to him. "Skinny Pete, what the hell, man?" A familiar voice asks in slight annoyance. "Badge?" I question softly, his head whips around and he looks down to have his eyes meet mine.

"Sere–" He starts questioning, I start grinning and run to him in a hug. "BADGE!" I yell, "SERE!" He yells back and we hug each other, laughing. "What are you doing here? I thought your folks moved to–" I cut him off with a stare. "I got kicked out, my wicked witch of a stepmother found out I do drugs and freaked." He blinks at the information I just told him, processing it all.

"Well, you missed out on so many years. Skinny and I here were just looking for some pot." He tells me, I smirk and toss him a whole bag full of cannabis I grew in New York. The four eyes widen, "Did you grow this or buy it? There's so much." I give Badger a blank look, "I grew it. I need to get rid of my stashes. I will be living with Agent and Radiologist." He gives me a confused look since he hasn't heard those nicknames in years.

But it's like he has a flashback in his mind then he gives me a wince. "Why not Teacher and Financial?" I look at Pete and he looks confused as hell, my eyes darting back into Badger's brown eyes. "They're expecting. It would get too crowded, I know that Teacher would do it if there's arguments or something like that, which will most likely happen." I roll my eyes, snickering. Badger just shakes his head. "Or, you could stay with my parents. They loved you as their own–" I stop him this time.

"Thank you for the offer, but I just need to get a job then I will buy my own apartment, I already spent a lot of my paychecks worth from New York, but I think I remember them, they are such dolls." I announce, and he goes quiet knowing that he can't change my mind. "Good luck, also do we have to pay for–" I shake my head at him with a tiny smile, then it disappears when I turn to face Pete. "Never try flirting with me again, got it?" I hiss as my face is set in hunter mode. Pete's eyes widen, "Got it, Ma. I mean Ser—" I glare at him, "It's Serena to you." Badger looks between us then clears his throat to end the awkwardness and sudden tension that's in the air.

"Jesse still lives here, remember him?" By my confused face, he knows I don't remember him. "You should definitely go to this meth lab tomorrow, Jesse will be there. Give me your number and I will text you the info." I nod and tell him my number as he enters it his flip phone. "Alright, I will send you the info tomorrow, Agent and Radiologist are probably waiting for you."  I nod and hug him one final time then wave to Pete, he nervously and awkwardly waves back.

I drive back to my Aunt Marie and Uncle Hank's house and decide to sleep in my car for the night, that way I don't frighten the both of them and I could smoke meth without being caught. I make a mental note to wash the things on my car-bed and clothes that I'm wearing so it doesn't linger. I start panicking because I have had maintained withdrawals.

I be sure to make tiny baggies after smoking three pipe fulls of meth and that's when I lock my car up and decide to call it a night with my switchblade close, just in case something happens to me or if someone tries breaking into my car.

𝓓𝓔𝓐'𝓼 𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓴𝓲𝓮 𝓝𝓲𝓮𝓬𝓮  // 𝒥.𝒫.Where stories live. Discover now