Part VII: Momo's Feelings

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Ronin: Once again, I apologize for making Part 6 a bit short than usual. I was really drawing a blank but not for long. Right now, I wanted to add a few changes to the Yaoyorozu Arc for this series. Now, what type of changes, you might ask yourself? Well, since this story has the term: "Best in the World". I'm going to change the story a tad bit, I won't tell you what I'm going to change, try and find the changes and we'll see from there. Right now, let us begin the story. Narrator, get over here, son!

Alright! FUCK!

Narrator's POV

Last time on Izuku Wick, our story begins when Izuku wakes in the morning, freshened up and ready to take on jobs and continue his services in protecting the Yaoyorozu family. Akio and Misaki decided to enroll Izuku in the same school as Momo, in order to protect her from threats and the villains who ambushed the family at the mall. Ever since Izuku arrived at Momo's school, he's been the hot topic, girls were simping for Izuku but he ignores them all and focuses on protecting Momo. But then, Izuku got the attention of one student named Aiden, one of the strongest students in his class. Aiden was annoyed by Izuku so he decided to teach him a lesson in gym class, but in the end, we all know who is the true winner, it's none other than our boy, Izuku Wick. Now let us begin the story, two months after Izuku enrolled in the school. 

Momo: Mom, can I speak to you?

Misaki: sure thing, darling. What's on your mind?

Momo: well *Pressing her pointer fingers together* it's about Izuku.

Misaki: Izuku? What's wrong with Izuku?

Momo: well...I have feelings for Izuku and I don't know how to approach him.

Misaki: oh my~ I am shooketh that you have feelings for your bodyguard, Izuku. 

Momo: Mom...*blushes*

Misaki: I am just teasing you, sweetie. *giggles*

Momo: it's not funny, Mom *pouts*

Misaki: okay, okay. I'll stop.

Momo: thank you.

Misaki: well, if you want to confess your feelings to Izuku, I have some advice for you, Momo.

Momo paid attention to her mother.

Misaki: if you plan to confess to Izuku, you must be upfront and honest with him. 

Momo: honest and upfront?

Misaki: correct, every word you say must come from the heart, not from your head. You love Izuku, right? You want to be with him forever, right?

Momo: yes.

Misaki: good, because you need to be quick, otherwise someone will steal Izuku away from you.

Momo:  ("Steal Izuku away from you"? No, no, no. I won't let that happen! Izuku is mine and mine alone!) I won't let that happen.

Misaki: good. Now go, tell Izuku how you feel, make him yours.

Momo: hai!

Momo leaves her parents' bedroom, Misaki looked at the mirror and smiles.

Misaki: (Yep, she's my daughter, alright. I was the same for Akio, KYAAAAAAH!) 

Meanwhile, with Izuku, he is currently in the backyard, meditating.

Izuku: *meditating* 

Momo: hey Izuku.

Izuku looked and saw Momo, he gave her a smile.

Izuku: hey Princess.

Momo: you can call me by my name, Izuku, remember?

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