Cities and Lip- Lights*

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It's been a week. Dad knows who our neighbors are, it seems he always did. My room has been switched around so I could get a better view of the front yard. See if there's a time Akabane is outside and I could catch him to talk. Ren and the others have been bugging me about the delay.

I say I'll get to it. Impatient. They are. But so am I. Karma's hardly been out and even if he is, I only notice till after he's entering his house.

His parents' car appeared yesterday. They're back in town. Oddly soon. But they're gone today.

Went through attendance with my father. Akabane wasn't here. Must've skipped.

Exit father's office. Today's my break day to prevent burn out. Father agreed it best to have one every other week or else my grades would drop and to show hard work is rewarded with breaks. Going to town with the big five.

They meet me at the gates. They had their own clubs today so more students are leaving at this time.

"Unfortunately I hardly got an A- on our last test, so I must go home and study." Seo leaves. Breaks are not given to those who do not deserve it.

It's down to four. Ren leads the way. We enter town. It's getting dark already. I don't have a curfew anymore. Lights are on.

To the arcade I'm taken by Ren. I managed to beat him in all the sport related games. He gets a high score on the hardest game. Few more games and we leave. As we leave, someone beats his high score.

But his time for his choice is up. We leave to eat. Araki chooses the place. Katsudon for all of us. Definitely delicious. We split the bill between the four of us. As idiotic as they are, they are considerate for those they call their friends.

Next we check out the witch shop as Ren calls it. This is Koyama's choice. As scientific as he is, he likes shiny rocks. That's his side knowledge. Minerals.

After we shop it's my pick. I'd like to look at street performances. Particularly bands but the dancers aren't half bad as long as they aren't dirty. We found one and it's a small one.

A guitarist way beyond my level, a drummer with small travel drums and a singer who plays violin. It's odd to hear the classical instrument with the harsher ones. But the guy sings with a wonderful voice. A voice I don't have. As we watch, the corner of my eye catches sight of red.

Bright red.

I look to see a boy. He's my height, clearly my age, and has bright red hair accompanied by orange eyes.

I recognize him. It's Akabane but he's dressed in a way that's unusual for him. He has a gold chain in his hair and one that goes across his face.

The chain on his face bears a translucent red fabric that covers the bottom half of his face but still allows one to see his mouth. On his neck is a black choker and gold earrings hang from the ears. He wears a light jacket, despite it being summer, and red pants that poof out near the ankles but come in tighter around the ankle. Meanwhile his shoes were tennis shoes.

His mouth moved in time with the words the singer sang. His eyes fixed on the singer.

Meanwhile, in my head, questions bubble up like soda pop. They bubble up in many forms. Why is he here? Why dressed like that? Does he have a job the school doesn't know about? Why is it that he won't leave my head even though I've barely spent time next to him? Have I been staring too long?

My final question is answered. Golden eyes look my way and lock with my own, amethyst eyes. A grin spreads on his face as he recognizes me. He looks around. For what I do not know. Again, his eyes are on me. He waves for me to follow him. However, I'm not stupid and so I refuse.

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