The Student Council Room

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I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.

It's only Monday and this week is already a pain in my ass. Every teacher is assigning a test out of nowhere even though we just started units in most of them. Dad decided to do a surprise baseball tournament. The student council has a shit ton of work to do for no goddamn reason and Akabane has been a pain in the mere, not even, 72 hours since we last talked.

The bastard has thrown tiny stones at my bedroom window. He left a small confetti cannon in my desk. He walked in and interrupted my classes when he's not even supposed to be on the main campus, AND, and, he's in my fucking seat with his feet on my desk in the student council room being buddies with my friends. Get your own friends, you God forsaken, lonely, little delinquent!

A nuisance shall be
What a nuisance wants to be
So nuisance it is

On top of all of that, I can't find shit on his family except that there's a business called Akabane corporations that's big all across the world. Apparently it's huge in the stock market and it's never been wrong on their predictions about what's going to rise and what's going to crash. I can't find shit on the owners though and it's pissing me off!!

The rest of the big 5, and Akabane, were all looking at me. All stopping what they were doing to watch me, to see how I would react.

Akabane grinned and said, “Hi, Shuu-chan. Did you miss me?”

I looked him dead in the eyes then took a deep breath to calm myself down. I control my face to look calm yet annoyed, no smile in sight. How could I smile when there was such an annoyance in my life? My feet carry me towards the red head in my seat and I begin to speak.

“First of all,” I say. “You barged into my class not even an hour ago.” I reach his side and look down at him. “Second, I don’t like you, so I couldn’t, nor would I ever, miss you.” I set my bag down on my desk and picked him up. He seems startled as he lays across my arms but I pay no mind. He's lighter than I expected. "Third, we are nowhere near a first name basis." I take him over to the door and drop him in the hall. I don't bother if I'm seen. All the students are either gone or in their clubs by now. "And finally, we are also nowhere near the use of nicknames, so do not, under any circumstances, call me Shuu-chan. Now go home."

He looks up at me, stunned. There's no trace of any other emotion in his eyes. He's simply stunned. His eyes bigger than usual, his eyebrows raised and mouth hanging open just a bit. His hair falling into his face as he propped himself up on his elbows and one of his knees. Geez. He looks like I just slapped him across the face.

It's a little cute…

No! We don't like him. The dreams are stupid. I glare at him then turn on my heal towards the door. I'm in the doorway, getting ready to close it behind me, when I hear his lp sadistic voice.

"Why don't you wait to carry me like that when you pick up the courage to ask me out? Or better yet, when you propose-"

I shut the door before he can say another word and pinch the bridge of my nose again. Akabane gets on my nerves so much for no reason. What is his deal?

"Trouble in paradise?" I shoot a glare towards Seo. He gives no verbal response, he just grins. 

All the others go back to what they're doing either grinning or chuckling. Either way, they seemed full of delight at my own expense. They don't make any comments, hopefully they can already read my sour mood.

I walk to my seat, sit down and pull out my computer, singing into it, putting it in the left corner of my desk then grabbing papers about this stupid baseball tournament my father wanted to do. Apparently one of my classmates requested it? He wanted to challenge an E class student that used to be a part of the baseball team but got kicked off when he got bumped to the mountain. I'd say it sucks he got kicked off but he wasn't the best player either. "Only the best with the best grades can join." At least, that's what my father says.

His expectations are extremely high for everyone at this school, especially me since I'm his son. The only people he doesn't have high expectations for is E class. I don't either really. Akabane, maybe. His grades aren't even close to being the reason he's up on that mountain. It's his attitude that got him banned from the main campus. If he could get his anger and impulses under control he might actually have a chance at being a member of class A.

But class A is a bunch of dolls. They're people who've had their souls sucked out of them. Mindless drones that drown in sweat every test. I'm convinced the only emotions they feel are fear and relief. Not a hint of excitement, anger, anything. It's draining to be in a room like that. Correction, it's draining to be in this school. A class isn't the only class of mindless drones.Everyone of the main campus is. Even the idiots I call my friends are mindless. Whenever exams start approaching they stop their recklessness outside of school and become quiet and studious. E class is the only class I ever see legitimately happy when leaving school. How?

I sigh and look around. Seo is reorganizing the bookshelf, Ren is sorting through files, Natsuhiko has finished all his work and getting a headstart on his homework, and Teppei is typing something up on his computer. The room is quiet yet not at the same time. There's no talking but there's the scratching of Natsuhiko's pencil to my right, the constant click click click of Teppei's keyboard, the rustling of the papers, and the occasional sound of a book clashing with the shelf.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in," I say.

The door opens and there's the E class representatives: Yūma Isogai and Megu Kataoka. Isogai is black haired boy with gold eyes and one of the respectable Class E members, which is really just him and Kataoka. Kataoka has light brown hair that she pulls back into a low ponytail. She's slightly taller than Isogai. Both can be considered attractive people and both are really nice. If it weren't for their grades, they would do really well on the main campus.

I take notice that Kataoka's arm is stretched behind her. She's pinching the ear of a red head I've seen enough of in one day. Isogai is holding a box it looks like a pastry box.

"Sorry to pop in unannounced, but we wanted to make up for Karma being such an annoyance today. We tried to stop him, but you know him." Isogai smiles sheepishly.

"That's right." Kataoka pulls Akabane up into the door. "Now, act your age and apologize for being a nuisance."

"Fine, just let go of my ear." She lets him go and he rubs his ear. "God." She shoots him a look that says 'Do it or I'm pinching your ear again.' It's rather funny how E class acts like a family. "Geez geez. I'm doing it." He does a half assed bow and says, "I'm sorry for interrupting your classes and pranking you." He clearly isn't sorry and I think Kataoka knows that but he turns to her anyway. "Can I go now? I have errands to run."

She nods and he leaves, but not without saying, "Bye, Shuu-chan!" Then he's gone. She signs putting her face in her palm. I couldn't blame her, he was frustrating.

Isogai chucks a little and places the box he's holding in the middle of where everyone's desks meet. He tells us about how one of his classmates had made them for the class but five extras remained and they all collectively agreed to give them as a peace offering for Karma's actions. We all thanked him, and when they left, we all took one. They were vanilla and chocolate marbled cupcakes with peanut butter buttercream as the icing and a chocolate drizzle on top. They were as tasty as they looked

After our snack break we returned to our work and silence.

An hour later, they all leave for home but I stay for an extra fifteen minutes. It's not like I was in a rush. Father doesn't get home till 6 usually and I get home 30 minutes before that. When I pack up and get ready to leave, I put my computer away first and then reach to put the papers I was working on in my desk, but they won't go all the way in.

I tried again, nothing. I look in and see a bag in there. I don't keep snacks in my desk, so what is this and how did it get here? I take it out and put the papers in. The bag is upside down when it leaves my desk so I turn my wrist to read the front.

There's a note.

It says, "Sakakibara told me you like these and I had the extra cash. Also, for the hundredth time, call me by my first name. Merci. -K.A."

What did Akabane get me? And why?

After taking the note off, I read the bag.

"Chocolate Covered Pecans"

These are some of my favorites. Thanks, Karma.

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