Morning Time

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I groan. Frustration running through my veins. Laughter buzzing from my phone. Ren’s laughter. This is what I get for thinking it’s a bright idea to tell Ren of all people about another dream I had concerning Akabane.

With the pattern they have, why did they show a second one with him in it? WHY?

“Shut up, Sakakibara. Stop your annoying laughter. This isn’t funny. He’s a sadistic nuisance.”

His laughter only gets bigger. He falls out of sight of his camera. My predictions; He was laughing too hard or he did it to make me worried about him. Laughter seemed more plausible.

I clenched my fist and pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. It’s something I've seen my father do many times. Mainly when he’s complaining about whoever the teacher is up on the mountain for E class. He never tells me name, description, or shows a photo. Whenever I ask he tells me it’s none of my business. Truly it’s not. However, my curiosity cconsumes me. I have to ask.

My peripheral vision shows Ren resituating himself in front of his camera so I look up to see him still laughing. He’s calmer than before. He starts messiong with his phone and goes to screen share. I watch. My cold stare turned to a look of confusion. It’s hard as stone once more as my face heats up.

He pulls up pictures from our venture into town. In the album is a minialbum labeled “AsaKaru moments” which shows a photo op he took of my talk, and the unspeakable action, with Akabane.

There he pulls up the picture of Akabane’s face being way too close to mine. Two boys kissing does not disgust me as a bisexual, but it happening between the nusiance and I is awful.

“Ren,” his name is spoken through gritted teeth. “What the hell is on your phone?”

His laughter rings again.

“Proof that you and Akabane should be a couple. Maybe you already are considering the fact you kissed him.”

“He kissed me! I did not reciprocate it in any way!”

“Well you clearly wanted to.”

“No I didn’t!”

My door opens and in steps my father. He bares a confused and tired face. It’s not unusual. Especially since it’s a weekend and my father prefers to sleep in on the weekends to relax for once.

“What are you yelling about, Gakushuu,” He asks, eyebrows raised.

I respond quickly with, “Sakakibara’s inability to keep his mind out of the gutter.”

He hums and says, “Well, you can’t hope for absolute perfection from everyone. You’re still not even close. Just keep it down. I’m going to go get some coffee. Breakfast will be-”
“At 7:30 sharp.” I say the last part in unison with him.

“I know I’ll be down there before the clock strikes 7-3-0.”

“Good and I hope to hear about your ventures into the city again.”


I watch him as he’s satisfied with my responses and leaves, closing my door. I turn back to Ren who still has screen share on and is showing pictures of the times that Akabane and I crossed paths at school.

“So I can’t keep my mind out of the gutter, huh?”

I roll my eyes and he stops with the screen share and appears back on his camera.

“Name one day this week, you haven’t texted me about either a girl in our class or Nakamura from E class.”

He paused, flipped his hair and said “Fair enough. Anywho, remind me what happened in your dream last night. Without touching your lips.”

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