Chapter One

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Author does not assume any liability if you try something in this book and hurt yourself.
Any resemblance to names, places, or personalities are purely coincidental.

This book is intended for those over the age of legal adulthood. If you needed permission to buy this book, put it down right now and go finish your homework.
All characters depicted herein are adults.

->WARNING<- This novel contains the following: Bi-pedal werewolves/lycanthropes, size difference, rough sex at times, Non-con, Dub-con, blood, choking/breath play, consensual cut play, biting, knotting, male-male relationships inside the pack, poly-amorous couplings, pack dynamics, abduction, anal, shifted sex (in monster form), slight degradation (mostly consensual)
->Literally, if you have a problem with MM relationships, or sex scenes (both including and excluding the FMC) where the men fuck, touch, or kiss each other, this will not be the book/series for you. But I promise, it's all super hot. ;)
Pairings in THIS book: MFMMM, MFM, MM, MMF, MMMFM, MF,

Now for part one...


College is nothing like I hoped it would be. This is my last year, and I'm still lost, still friendless, still an outsider. I sit at the front of every class, keep my head down, study, and do what I'm supposed to, which never earned me social points growing up, so I don't know why I thought that would change.
True, I'm not here for that reason, not really, but it would be fun to hang out. Party a little, I guess. Have the promised 'college experience.' Even my dorm is boring and lonely. My roommate stays with her boyfriend nearly all the time, and even when she is here, we don't speak. Don't even acknowledge each other. There's no tangible animosity, just one of those situations where you don't mesh with someone. I've wondered more than once if she even realizes I'm still here most of the time.
So, it's me, myself, and I. And that's fine. I've had to look out for myself basically since I was born. Normally, it doesn't bother me much, but there's something in the air today, an itch of loneliness I can't scratch. I stroll through the courtyard, lost in thought, weaving through other students as they rush to their next class.
A bright orange flyer appears under my face, shocking me.
"Full moon kegger tonight at the Zeta Lambda house. See you there, gorgeous?"
I scoff a laugh on reflex before I glance up. The guy is cute, sure, but I can't tell if he's mocking me for his own amusement, or if his friends are nearby, recording the conversation. Either way, I know I'm not gorgeous. Normal? Sure. But absolutely unremarkable in every way. Brown hair, brown eyes, not particularly curvy, average height, average features, quiet. I'm one of those girls who blends into any background in any gathering, ignored by everyone.
"Nah, I don't think so. Thanks, though."
I step around him, but he blocks my path, waggling the flyer. "At least take it. I've gotta hand all these things out. Maybe you'll change your mind."
When I don't grab it, he shoves it down my open purse, smiles and stops the next girl who passes, repeating the same line, only replacing 'gorgeous' with 'love.'
Whatever. I have my own fun-filled Friday night planned, chock full of nothing.
But I think about the flyer my entire drive back to the dorm. I think about it while I shower. While I eat dinner. While I stare at the TV, pretending to watch it. The crumpled orange corner juts out of the top of my purse like a beacon, until I finally storm over and snatch it out.
Hmm. It's nothing special, just a mixer, but it does promise music, drinks, and games. And it's not that far from here, I could walk it. It's only been going for thirty minutes, too, so I wouldn't be all that late. I suppose there's no harm in going. It might even be fun. Maybe.
I get ready, not doing anything fancy at all. Dark jeans, loose grey blouse, white canvas shoes, hair back in a low ponytail. No sense dressing extra nice or over-doing makeup for a bunch of guys who won't see me anyway. It's not like I expect to get laid. They won't even notice me.
Would sex be nice? Hell yes. I love it. I've had a couple of very short-term boyfriends in my life, some one-night stands, and enough time with my right hand to teach a class. It's probably how I'll end tonight, in fact. Fantasizing about all manner of dark, devious things no one would expect a quiet girl to know or want.
Heat crawls through my stomach, and the flame doesn't die the whole walk there. The itch of loneliness grows, melding with the heat, turning into a deep longing for... some undefinable thing. I haven't felt this before, and I don't particularly like it. The moon is gorgeous, at least. Big, full, casting a warm white glow over everything. My heart pangs, and I stall. What the heck is going on?
I almost turn around, but thumping bass echoes down the street, followed by cheers. Right. The idea is to have fun with other people.
There's movement out of the corner of my eye, behind one of the houses, but I don't see anything when I look. I swallow down the anxiety. Cat, just a cat.
I walk faster, cresting a small hill, and spot the Zeta Lambda frat house, lit up like it's daytime. A crowd of guys and gals mill around, pawing at each other, drinking, laughing, and dancing. It does look fun. There are lights strung through the trees, corn hole boards, beer pong on a fold out table, several kegs, and—
Movement at my other side this time. I whip my head, but there's still nothing. My pulse pounds, and I trot toward the group. It's probably just...night animals.
A guy holds out a red plastic cup as soon as I reach the first table, but he doesn't even glance my way, chatting to some girl in a string bikini top and cut-off jeans.
"Thanks," I mutter to the watered-down beer.
As usual, no one notices me as I make my way through the crowd. I stand next to the beer pong table and cheer, moving with the group when they swap to corn hole. When it should be my turn, they leave, like I was invisible the whole time. I grip the cup between my knees and toss the bean bags in the hole, one right after the other.
"See, I would have been good for the team," I say to no one, and down the rest of the beer.
Warmth hits my back, seeping through my shirt like someone's looming over me. I gasp and turn, but there's no one. I take a few steps backward, watching, and bump into a hard, hot body.
"Oh! I'm s..." I turn, but again, there's no one. "Okayyyy, what the hell is going on?"
I run toward the house and slip inside, between a guy and girl leaning in to kiss. They don't notice.
The air in here is thick, smokey, and weird. Another red cup is held out to me, and I take it without question, downing it quickly. I'm on edge and it's stupid. The booze has to help, otherwise I'll freak myself out and go home. Then what would have been the point in coming at all?
Air brushes my neck, like an inhale, and I yelp, stepping to the side as I turn, but again—no one.
Women giggle on the stairs, guys cheer in the kitchen, and the music gets louder the further in I go.
The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention, and I glance around. Someone or something is watching me. I spot a guy near the farthest door, staring daggers at me. My feet freeze. He's in shadow, face mostly shrouded by a hoodie. The way he glares, though, isn't friendly at all, not even the barest hint of a smile on his mouth.
Another obvious inhale along my neck raises gooseflesh, and I turn to find nothing. What the hell?! When I whip back around, the shadowed guy is gone.
I can barely breathe through the fear. I might be in a crowd of people, but I've never felt more singled out in my life.
"Okay," I whisper. "I think that's enough fun for one night."
I take a step back and bump into a hard body again, but this time when I turn someone is there. The hoodie guy. Wow, he's tall. How did he get here so fast? He doesn't move, other than a smirk forming on his full lips. I can make out the edge of a large scar running down the side of his neck, and tanned skin, but that's it.
"S-sorry, didn't see you."
"Let's get out of here and you can make it up to me."
I blink several times and laugh. I see. It makes sense the only reason I'd be singled out is to be made fun of.
"Uh. No thanks." I step to the side and suck in a gasp as something brushes the back of my arm. I grab the spot and glance back, met with just the empty hallway. A bug...maybe?
Hoodie guy doesn't move, but the smirk fades, replaced by a sneer. "Did you say no?"
I start to reply, but clamp my jaw shut, make a wide circle around him and trot toward the door.
The night air feels much better on my skin, and I take a deep breath. Maybe too deep. I stumble a bit and shake the dizziness from my head. Probably shouldn't have had those beers so fast. Nothing I can't sleep off.
The guy chatting up bikini top girl holds out another red cup as I approach, but I brush it away and hit the sidewalk with quick steps.
The moon is brighter, hazier. I blink several times, but the haze doesn't clear. My skin feels too tight, buzzing like I'm loaded with static. The first three times I see movement in my peripheral, I try to track it, but each whip of my head makes me dizzier.
There's nothing but the pound of my own heartbeat in my ears as I force my feet to move, each step getting harder to control.
Something growls nearby, and I scream, stumbling as the sound reverberates through my skull. The dorm. I just need to make it to the dorm. It can't be that far away, and it's nearly a straight shot.
I trudge forward, my legs heavy like they're stuck in wet sand. Is it an allergic reaction to the bug bite? Was there something in the beer? Everyone else seemed fine.
Another step, another, and that's all I can do. I sway, my hands on my head, until my knees give, and I drop.

~~~end of chapter~~~
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