Chapter 30 : Plaster cast

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As every night since the beginning of the week now, Max couldn't sleep. She didn't know if it was because of the heat, Jane's sleepwalking, or if her body was keeping her awake to avoid her nightmares. No matter why she couldn't sleep, it was pretty annoying. At least, Jane's sleepwalking was less violent than before; her psychiatrist gave her a treatment for the night which seemed to work. She was still moving lightly in the bed and speaking sometimes, but she wasn't screaming or walking in the corridors anymore. Max was envious of Jane right now, wishing she could fall asleep deeply like her and have a good night.

But, as she was thinking Jane was peacefully sleeping, the brunette began to frown and to groan. Max rolled on her side and placed her arm on Jane's chest to gently caress her cheeks, hoping it would reassure her and calm her. But it didn't have the expected effect. Without waking up, Jane quickly grabbed Max's wrist and tightened with all the strength her body had. It was so strong that Max could barely move, but she could feel Jane's fingers crushing her bones.

She first tried to wake Jane up by shaking her, but, as it wasn't working, she began to tap her and to call her loudly, close to a yell. It didn't wake Jane up, but it caught everyone else's attention. Melissa was the first one to reach the bedroom. She didn't hesitate to try to help Max to wake Jane up while Mallory, close behind Melissa, was focusing on Jane's hand with the hope to open it. Max heard her wrist cracking accompanied with a strong pain growing.

Luckily, Cassandra arrived with a bucket full of water that she threw on Jane's face. Jane woke up in a start and finally let go Max's wrist. In the panic, Jane fell from the bed, and Max almost did the same, but Mallory caught her before.

- "Are you okay?" Mallory asked.

- "Yeah, yeah, but I think she broke it," Max answered, holding her wrist.

While Melissa and Mallory were taking care of Max, Cassandra joined Jane behind the bed to wipe her face and to be sure she was okay.

- "Are you hurt?" Cassandra asked.

- "Wh...What happened?" Jane answered, completely dazed.

Cassandra helped Jane to stand and gently caressed her cheeks. Jane looked around and noticed that everyone was here, looking at her with wide eyes. She understood she did something bad when she saw Max rubbing her wrist and her own fingers being sore and unbending.

- "Oh no! I'm so sorry, I didn't...I'm sorry..."

- "It's okay, Ja-"

- "No! It's not okay!" Jane said, cutting Max. "I'm so stupid! I knew I shouldn't sleep with someone! I'm so sorry..."

Cassandra was about to squeeze Jane's shoulder, but Jane refused the gesture and clumsily went away from her.

- "No! Don't touch me, I...I could hurt you and I don't want to!"

- "No, Jane, it's-"

- "Just stay away from me!"

Jane left so quickly the bedroom that neither Cassandra nor Max managed to stop her in her way. Max was feeling bad, she knew Jane was feeling guilty for what happened whereas it wasn't even her fault. But Jane wouldn't listen to her anyway, well, not for now. She just hoped she wouldn't do something stupid because of that.

As Max expected, Jane did something stupid. She left the house after she woke up and was nowhere to be found. Cassandra had driven Max to hospital for her wrist, and now the redhead had a plaster cast for at least four weeks. She had worse than a plaster cast in her life, so she didn't care. What mattered for her now was to find Jane and to take her back home. Cassandra was already looking for her in the village, so Max went to the forest, knowing Jane liked peaceful environments.

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