20: Halloween Special - Pt. 3

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Hinata's P.O.V

My body sprung up with a gasp, deserting the smooth dark floor I chose to lie upon earlier.

Now trapped within a prison, a room harboring four walls, a concrete door, a janky bed, and a tiny window, I sat upon the floor in a daze as nothing but memories began to flood back to me.

Now within a sitting position, I pulled one hand up to shakily cup my forehead, to perhaps diminish the throbbing that I was suffering from in that area.

My hooded lavender eyes were fixated on the ground as I ran back through the memories that I now have a hold of, memories that took place before I woke up in a basement that was, in fact, not my home.

My breath hitched, tears now pricking my side, burning my eyes for they were desperately wishing to escape and roll down my cheeks.

And they did, once I finally made sense of it all, finally harboring all the answers to my problems, given the medicine that I was injected with was now long gone.

I gasped shakily, my entire body shaking in fright. I-I remember. I-I-I remember everything.

I remember Ureshi Udon.

I remember my coworkers, Sakura, Kiba, and Shino, three individuals that I enjoy working alongside immensely.

I remember my customers, the lovely people of Japan that seemed to hold me dear to their hearts.

I remember Neji, my hardworking cousin who only wanted the best for me, who wanted me to live a life without struggle, without pain, and without loss.

My breath hitched once more, a gulp sliding down my throat.

I remember the blonde man.

I remember the mysterious man with the spiky blonde hair, the dark blue eyes, and the whiskered cheeks who smelt similar to a cool, crisp breeze. I remember the blonde wore nothing but tuxedos every day he came to Ureshi Udon. The blonde male sat at the same spot he always does each day. He sat at the very back of the diner; the seventh booth.

Even now, I was bereft of his name, his occupation, his story, or the male's real face or rather who he really is. I knew nothing of the man I once thought gorgeous and charming, a man I was rather attracted to but now...

I shakily turned my head to look up at the steel door before me, the door that was the object that had locked me inside the cell I was in, keeping me trapped.

More tears rushed down my cheeks. No. That man is a monster. He's the one that kidnapped me.

And just when such a thought crossed my mind, my ears suddenly began to hear the sound of boots clicking against the hardened floor, far behind the steel door I was facing.

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