After the Ceremony

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Adelaide was a bit shocked. She was a Gryffindor? She would've understood Slytherin since her entire maternal side was in that house. Hufflepuff would have made equally as much sense based on her dad and sister. But Gryffindor? She supposed that anything could happen, especially when taking into consideration that this wasn't the first time for her mother's side when she remembered her cousin, Sirius Black. Again, it wasn't disappointing to her, but it was unexpected. The sorting hat was removed from her head and McGonagall ushered her down the steps so Adelaide could join her table. She had to walk past the Hufflepuff table, and as she did, she gave a faint smile to Cedric and her sister.

Once she got to the Gryffindor table, she sat by her sister's friend and the twin's older brother, Charlie, while he welcomed her to the house and let Adelaide know that if she ever needed any help to let him know. She smiled at him and continued to watch the rest of the sorting ceremony. The twins were up and the two smirked as they were placed in Gryffindor as well. They sat in front of Adelaide and their brother before the feast commenced.

Everyone ate their fill and, after a few words from their headmaster Dumbledore welcoming everyone, they left the hall to head to their dormitories. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were located on the same side of the castle, but Cedric and Nymphadora went downstairs to the Hufflepuff basement while Adelaide had to go upstairs to Gryffindor tower. Although she wanted to talk to both of them right then and there, she had to accept the fact that she was going to have to talk to them tomorrow instead. As a prefect, Charlie gave a tour to the first-years on how to get to the common room and told them that only those who know the password can get past the Fat Lady portrait. He uttered the word "legolas" and the portrait swung open.

Adelaide noticed the dominant house color on all four walls and the furniture. The fireplace looked strong and shined bright. There were accents of gold cascaded on the walls or smaller objects like table lamps. The room was large but still felt cozy. The girls' dormitories were on the right side of the common room and the boys' sat opposite that. Every student's belongings had been moved into their respective dorm, so most of the students went to sort their things. Adelaide reached her room to find five identical beds with trunks and pets at the foot of them. Millie, Adelaide's cat, was meowing by the second bed to the left.

Adelaide reached down and let her cat out so she can roam around and get accustomed to her new environment. Adelaide turned to find another girl entering the room. The girl looked for her belongings and found her pet owl to the right of Adelaide's bed. She then noticed Adelaide and waved at her before introducing herself.

"Hi. I'm Angelina Johnson! It's nice to meet you, roomie." The girl said with a hand out to Adelaide.

"I'm Adelaide Tonks. Nice to meet you too. I hope we get along well."

The two unpacked their trunks before putting them under their beds.

"Are you excited for the year, Angelina?"

"Yes. Quite actually. I suppose I'm a bit scared about flying on a broom, but other than that, I think I'll be okay."

"That's what you're worried about? You should be fine. Hey, who knows? You might be the best flier in our year."

"Have you been on a broom? And I doubt that, but thank you."

"No, I haven't. But I have to try it once, right?"

Angelina chuckled a bit and agreed with Adelaide. The two seemed to get along quite well. They later met their other three roommates: Alicia Spinnet, Allison Cloney, and Aria Leonard. All the girls found it quite amusing that all their names started with an A. Aria gave the roommates a group name and referred to themselves as the Amazing A's. The girls all laughed at the name but agreed to it since it made Aria happy. Soon, the girls got ready for bed and said goodnight before turning off all the lights.

Adelaide laid in bed tossing and turning for about an hour, so it might have been 10 p.m. already. She released a heavy sigh and turned her feet off the side of her bed. She slipped on some slippers and headed downstairs to the common room. As she sat on the red couch by the fire, she felt a bit lonely. Yes, she was making new friends and excited about her classes, but she still felt alone. Her best friend and sister were in one house and she was in another. It was her first night away from her parents. She didn't feel overwhelmed, but it felt like a lot at the same time. Inevitably, Adelaide felt some tears falling down her cheeks. She wiped those tears and sniffled a bit until she calmed down. She looked at the bright orange flame and embraced her knees and put the side of her head on her upper arm. Something sat beside her pushing the cushions down, so Adelaide turned her head and saw orange still. One of the red-headed twins sat beside her.

"Are you okay, Adelaide?" the boy turned to face her and that's when she was able to determine which one it was. He had a mole under his left eye, so it was Fred.

"Yeah. Just feel a bit lonely, that's all."

"I can imagine. I would feel that way if Georgie and I weren't together."

Adelaide admired the closeness between the twins. She did feel a bit worried if her sister thought of her any differently, so she decided to ask Fred.

"Let's say hypothetically. George was put in a different house, would you see him differently?"

"No, he's my twin. Just because we're in different houses wouldn't change how I see or feel for him. He's my best friend and that'd be pretty messed up if I did. If you're worried about that, my advice would be to trust your friendships and relationships. I mean you pick your friends because you trust them right?"

"Yeah. I do."

"See! You have nothing to worry about." He said as he gently nudged his elbow into her shoulder. "Now try not to feel sad anymore. It doesn't suit you."

"What do you mean?"

Fred looked at Adelaide and started to blush, but then quickly turned his head to the left.

"Pretty girls shouldn't feel sad. They should always be happy." He said in almost a whisper with a bit of pink still hinted on his cheeks.

Although the way he said it sounded a bit weird, Adelaide knew he had good intentions behind it. She gave Fred a side hug before thanking him. They sat for a few more moments of silence before he yawned.

"You should go to bed if you're tired."

"I will, I'll go once you head to your dorm."

"Thank you. Then I guess I should be off."

"I'll walk you there."

The two quickly stood up and headed to the right of the room. As Adelaide made it about seven steps up, the floor underneath her was no longer stairs, but now transformed into a smooth surface. The stairs appeared to be a slide now. The two gently rubbed their knees and laughed a bit before dusting themselves and standing up again.

"I guess I can't exactly walk you back now can I?" Fred said with a slight smirk.

"It's the thought that counts Freddie. Thank you. Goodnight." Adelaide said with a sheepish smile.

"Goodnight, Lai."

She quickly ran up the steps, feeling happier than when she originally went downstairs. She got into bed and thought about the kind redheaded boy before she fell asleep.

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