Chapter 21

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"Let's go on a date tomorrow."


"Seijuro. Or whatever nickname you can create out of it. Only address me as such."

"Okay... Sei-kun. We are technically here for school. I don't think that coach would like that."

"Coach has no power over me. Either way, the game is mid-afternoon."

Airi nodded and hummed in response. Then, an important question struck her, "Um... Sei? Are we dating now?"

"Of course. You are mine and only mine."


By pure luck, Airi had packed a decent outfit. It was 5:30am and she had already gotten dressed, applying some light makeup. Today, she wore her hair down instead of her usual ponytail. She was quite nervous, trembling with both excitement and nervousness.

She prepared some fish and rice as well as miso soup for everyone's breakfast. Akashi told her they were going somewhere for breakfast, so she didn't plan on eating anything. Taking off her slightly dirty apron, she put it in her dirty laungry bag and once again went over her notebook information.

"Ri-chan? You look super pretty today! Are you going somewhere before the game?" Hayama jumped over the couch and sat next to her, flipping on the TV. She saw that everyone but Akashi was awake, including coach.

"Hmm, yeah. I'm getting breakfast with Sei-kun."

"Since when did you call Akashi Sei-kun?"


"Ooo," Hayama had a suggestive look on his face, "is this a date?"

Airi flushed red, trying to hide her face behind her notebook.


"Yes. Meet at the locker room at 12. Do NOT be late. Airi-chan, let's go."

"M'kay..." Standing up, she put her notebook down and Akashi grabbed her hand without hesitation. Not even waiting for her, Akashi took her hand and dragged her out of the hotel room but not before she waved a bashful wave goodbye to the Rakuzan team.


Sipping on her flat white, she stared straight back at Akashi as he watched her, amused.

"What is it," she asked, slightly peeved.


"Stop staring at me then! It's been at least 5 minutes!"

"Have you not been staring at me as well? For the record, it's been 4 minutes and 3 seconds."

"Whatever you say, emperor."

When Airi heard the word date, she was expecting something... ordinary. Of course, she didn't account for the fact that the person she was going on a date with was Akashi Seijuro. Somehow, they ended up in a highrise building that served high class dishes and had a stunning view of Tokyo.

The food arrived and Airi stared blankly at it, monotonously thanking her server.

"You ordered yudofu at 7 in the morning?"

"Yudofu is delicious at all times of the day."

"Are you obsessed with it?"

"I am obsessed with no- almost nothing."

"Almost nothing?"

"You would be the one exception."

"You are the worst flirt ever."

"Thank you."

"That wasn't... never mind. Why is yudofu so delicious? It's just squishy imposter meat."

"Take that back. Take that back right now."

He sent her a murderous glare that could make anyone wither in their seats. However, Airi knew he was joking (hopefully) so she glared back.

"Milk bread is superior."

"Milk bread has no taste. It cannot even compete."

"Sure sure. Are you going to tell me what is so godly about yudofu or just disrespect all other foods?"

"It was my mother's favourite dish to make."


They would have talked forever if time allowed it. It took a while for casual conversation to happen but eventually they talked as if they had been friends for life.

Airi learned about Akashi's love for horseriding, how he learned basketball because of his mother, and all these other personal things that she would have never imagined in her wildest dreams.

She told him all about her crazy life at Hyakkao, how she was nicknamed the queen of cards and mocked like crazy. She told him about how her stupid cousin was always visiting her and how he was like the older brother she never had.

They would have kept going and going until they realised that Rakuzan had a very important game against Shutoku.



"Can... can we hold hands?"

His golden eyes shimmered as he turned towards her, a smile cracking onto his usually stone cold face.

"Of course."

The busy streets of Tokyo might have been indifferent to another highschool couple holding hands and walking, but to Airi, this meant the world to her. On cloud nine, she slipped her hand in his as they walked inside the gymnasium.


Eikichi let out a loud belch, rubbing his nape and grumbling "I ate too much."

"No kidding. Why would you eat so much before a game?" Reo said in disgust.

"I play better when I eat meat."

"Yeah yeah who cares. Look at those guys! Look, look! They're totally bad news!" Hayama cheered, stars almost visible in his eyes.

"Shut up."

"They look seriously strong, dude! Right, Akashi? Ri-chan?"

"Yes, they are strong." the redheaded captain replied, tying his shiny new shoes and taking off his jacket.

It was strange that Akashi said he was starting. Usually, he would watch opponents as his teammates played before going on court. Airi couldn't contain her curiosity as they sat together in the empty locker room, ready to go out onto the court.

"Why are you starting today?"

"Coach already approved."

"But... why?"

"Because, Airi, I never lose at shogi."

A cold chill ran down her spine. He didn't call her Airi-chan, which was already a warning. Though she didn't understand what Akashi meant, she knew that Shutoku had no chance of winning, no matter what.

"Thanks for all your information, Ri-chan!" Hayama cheered, bringing Airi back to the present.

"Thank you, child," Reo headpatted her. "Don't think you're getting out of the talk we're gonna have, by the way," he said sharply, giving a not-so-subtle look at Akashi. If Akashi saw it, he ignored it.

"This is the thanks I get?" Airi sighed exasperately, taking a seat next to the coach.

To be honest, she wasn't worried at all. Akashi's plan was solid and everyone remembered everything she told them about the players of Shutoku. All that was left was the execution which she didn't doubt the Rakuzan boys' abilities to do. She had done her part filling up water bottles and prepping cold and wet towels. Hell, she even made honey lemon slices.

She had 100% confidence in the Rakuzan boys basketball team. After all, they were being led by the one and only Akashi Seijuro.

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