Four//soulmates //🌙💔

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Soulmates, one might think it's such a beautiful thing to have. Your other half is there with you helping you. The yin and yang.

Everyone has it in our world. They seem to get it when they are 17. Amazing isn't it? The excitement you gain just when you have a simple mark? And then find someone with the same Mark? It's like an adventure ain't it? An adventure to find your soulmate.

I too was excited for my mark. It appeared without fail on my birthday. Oh the joy I had. I wished to be held by you and cuddled with you all morning

My mark was in my neck, a sun. I knew your smile would shine the day out me when I see you just my the mark in my neck. The mark brough me closer to you but do i know you? No? Yes? Maybe?

Though I had no clue what you look like or how you act. I don't even know you yet why do I need you so bad? I guess that's why they call them soulmates.

They reached our souls and our souls can never forget them. I had always dreamt of meeting you. How would it be? Will it just go like a flow of the river or shake like the thunders in the sea?

My dreams of you, do you also dream of me? I'm falling apart without you. Is there any way you can reach me?
I really wished you to be someone I knew, and if you were how would you react seeing me?

It was so exciting and overwhelming. Days, months passed and i just kept searching and searching. I didn't plan on giving up either. I mean you could be on the other side of the world. It's possibility but i would'nt stop until I had find you.

Everyone around me somehow found theirs. Chifuyu had baji, kokonui had inupi, kakucho had izana. Why is it only me? Why only am I being left out?

Why is fate so cruel to not let me meet my soulmate. Even though draken and Emma were soulmates Emma dated hina. Both of them were'nt interested in eachother. I guess fate does make mistakes......

I can go hours arguing about why I need to meet my soulmate right now but what will that do? Nothing. It's not like fate is knocking on my door saying here is order of 1 soulmate. Hahaha. That would be funny.....

So where are you soulmate!? When will you appear in my life? Huh!?

My timeleaping still didn't help me find my soulmate. Weird right? I mean i understand why in the past but in the future too?

In one my infamous travels back to the present Mikey had died in my arms. Noata had shot him in fear that Mikey might shoot me. I know he didn't mean anything but why? Now most my friends are dead and now him.....

My neck started glowing and burning.....the pain in my neck felt like I was being choked and it made it so hard to breathe. I felt light headed and my eye sight became blurry. I woke up, and turns out i had fainted.

I looked in the area of my mark, searching for it to find it completed disappeared. No sun, just plain skin....
That was never good. I researched tons about soulmates after that incident. I searched for clues in the past and present. Turns out when a soulmate dies their mate's mark disappears. Funny huh? Now how am I supposed to live?

Later i got to know Mikey had the same Mark. Suprising right? although i didn't mind. I would have never know in the past. In the future he was a criminal, I could never see him. Why? Why must fate be so cruel to split us apart like this?

I never even got to enjoy those moments with him. I never experienced the loving affectionate moments with him. Never got to confess. Never got to see his reaction to me being his soulmate. Our wedding, our anniversary heck even us dating.

And i know i never will experience anything but i will never forget you. As they say soulmates are our other halves. No one can forget their other halves now can they? I realised this and tried my best to move on but

I, takemitchi hanagaki had just lost my soulmate.


Words: 744

I know it's short sorry

I tried my best to write in depth about takemitchi's feelings but I couldn't?

I hoped you liked it

I'm trying to make these oneshots lengthier but i can't get many ideas

Thank you
Author san

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