"Sometimes, I Hate Cops."

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"Sometimes, I Hate Cops."

I had intended to keep good on my word and visit Caleb in the morning since he didn't want to be bothered yesterday. When he came to me instead, I was just a tad bit surprised. Not to mention, it was early for him to be up, almost 10. Caleb was the type of person who wouldn't get up before 12 on a weekend or break, and it was dang near impossible to wake him up.

Nonetheless, that didn't stop him from coming down to my house asking to see me. I had to drag myself off the couch where I had been binge watching The Walking Dead with Logan and get dressed for the day, since I had been laying in my pajamas since I woke up. I wouldn't consider myself lazy, but let's say that there were times where I couldn't guarantee I would even brush my hair down.

Caleb looked a whole lot better today than he did yesterday. His eyes had their usual gleam in them, which any could see suggested trouble, and he kept bouncing from one foot to the other.

Squinting my eyes in the light, I jokingly asked, "You forget your meds or something?"

"Actually, yes I did, they make me sleepy. Ion't like it. Anyways, come outside with me real quick, and bring Logan, just cuz."

"Mm, you best not be up to nothing, Green," I muttered, yet still went to get to get Logan. She looked too happy for me to leave her. Her tongue hung out her mouth and her tail was a waving blur. "Where you plan on goin'?"

"Not sure, but I told your mom the park, so that's as good a place as any."

Logan bounded out the door and I followed, making sure to close the door behind me. "Sounds fine. As long as we're not going past it," I added as we began walking. After a few moments of silence I asked, "Any particular reason for wanting to see me?"

"What? So I can't hang with my best friend when she's not with her boyfriend no more?" He smiled devilishly and winked.

"God, haven't I told you-" Irritation had made its way into my voice, which only seemed to amuse him.

"I'm just saying, he looks like that one guy in that one group who you used to fangirl over," he said, false innocence dripping from his words.

"There are a lot of boy groups out there, so please, be more specific."

"You know the one. You've got a poster of them that you never hung up-"


"I remember his name now! Wasn't it like Princeton or something?"

"I swear if-" But Caleb wouldn't let me talk, and even more frustrating, he wouldn't shut up.

" Only thing is Uriah has two different eye colors and his teeth aren't as straight. "

In all seriousness I said, "Keep talking and I'm going to go right back home." He put his hands up in surrender, but he must've felt the need to poke fun, because he didn't stop just then. "If you two ever do end up as more than friends, I called it."

I laughed because even though Caleb was annoying, it was a nice change of attitude from yesterday. "Ok, enough about me. How are you doing?"'

He paused and thought for a moment. "Well, yesterday I pulled out a decent amount of my sister's hair, played some video games, the usual, ya know," he said casually. "Actually, it wasn't that simple, it was like a full blown fight. She bit me, hard too. I still got the tooth marks." He angled his arm where I could see it, and sure enough, there were the marks.

"You guys are terrible to each other, really. I've never seen nothing like it," I responded. By now we were at the park, and by habit, we settled ourselves under our favorite tree. Logan laid her head on my lap, and I absentmindedly began petting her. Little kids ran back and forth chasing each other and playing on the slides while older siblings or parents watched on, seemingly bored. A gentle, refreshing breeze blew by, and the trees swayed slightly.

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