Chapter 2

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The launch date had been announced a few weeks later after a thorough discussion with experts.

"How was the date?" You asked Bucky as you practised on the simulator.

"It was good. We're gonna give it a try and being in space together is good. We'll be together all the time." Bucky said. "What about you? You have someone special?"

"No. No one special." You shook your head.

"Really? No exes or a crush?" Bucky asked.

"No, Buck." You said. "Concentrate on flying." You said.

"Yeah, yeah." He smirked and continued to fly the simulator of the ship you were going to fly.

"Hey guys." Steve said, coming up the stairs. "How is it?"

"Good for practice." You said, "Wanna take over for a while?"

"Sure. Thanks." Steve said, taking over the control panel. " How was the date, Buck?"

Bucky chuckled, "It was good. We had a blast together."

"Good. Just make sure you guys don't get distracted during the mission."

"Yeah." Bucky nodded. "We won't."

"Good." Steve said and continued flying for a few minutes before he left to check something.

"You like him, don't you?" Bucky says all off a sudden.

"What?" You said, playing it off.

"Steve. You like him, right?" Bucky said.

"N-No. It's nothing like that." You chuckled.

"Oh come on. Stop acting like that. I can see it in the way you look at each other." Bucky said.

You sighed, "Fine. I like Steve." You said.

"Then tell him."

"No." You said.

"Why not? You two would be perfect for each other." Bucky said.

"I can't. What if he doesn't feel the same and it ruins our friendship?" You said.

"You guys are idiots. Both of you." Bucky shook his head.

"What do you mean by that?" You looked at him.

"Nothing." Bucky sighed.

"Anyways. Let's focus on flying, shall we?" You asked, changing the subject.

"Aye, Aye, Captain." Bucky laughed and saluted you.


Launch day.....

Finally, it was the day you had dreamed of since you were a kid. Going to space. Yes, you'd been there before but it would be different this time. "Hey, come on. We're boarding." You said to Steve as you poked your head in the room he was getting ready in. Steve didn't look up as he stared at a photo in his hand. "Steve?"

You walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder which startled him. "Oh hey, Y/N." Steve looked up at you.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah. Just..." Steve sighed, looking back at the photo in his hand. You saw the photo and smiled. It was Steve and his mother. "I wish she was here."

"She would be proud of you, Steve." You said.

"Yeah. Feels like she was here yesterday and..." He trailed off. Steve was having a hard time to cope with his mother's death. He had locked himself in his apartment for a month until Bucky dragged him out.

"She is here with you, Steve. And she is always watching you." You tried to comfort him.

"Thanks." Steve sighed and put his photo back in his wallet, stuffing it in his bag. "Let's go."

"Yeah." You said and the two of you walked down the hallway to where the team was waiting for you. "Hey all."

"Listen, everyone. We all are going to up there to save our families and our species. We have to do this without any mistakes or distractions. If we are successful today then we have a chance at saving our species. We can't afford to fuck up." Steve said.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth, Rogers?" Tony teased.

Steve sighed and chuckled, "Let's board and do check ups." He said.

"You can do this." You whispered to him, walking to the shuttle.

"Thanks, Y/N." Steve said. "I really needed it."

"You're welcome." You said and held up your fist to him, "To infinity?"

Steve chuckled, knowing you quoted his favourite film. He bumped your hand and answered, "And beyond."

Between the stars ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now