Chapter 3

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"It's a beautiful view, isn't it?" Steve said as he came next to you.

"Oh, hey." You smiled at him. "Yeah. It is. I can get used to it." You said and turned back to look at the beautiful stars in the space.

"That's right." Steve said. It had been a few hours since you had launched and turned on the hyper speed engines and put the shuttle on autopilot so everyone could rest for some time before going to work. "You miss home?"

"Yeah. A lot. I wish we could come back once before going back." You said.

"Same here." Steve said, "You wanna get to work?"

"Sure. Let's gather the team." You said and went to the main conference room. "Attention crew. Everybody gather in the conference room in five minutes."

Soon, the whole team was present in the room, waiting for their orders. "So, we all have some work to do while we travel to Nexus. It's not much but we have to do some regular checks with the machinery that we're going to use. That's your responsibility, Stark. Check on those machine everyday and if there's any problem work on it and report to me or Y/N. Scott is in- charge of communication between the shuttle and earth. Make sure we are always connected and if you get any message bring it to anyone of us" Steve stated, pointing at you and him. "Second thing, we have some live stock with us. We have to take care of them as well." Steve said and paused when Peter raised his hand, "Yes, Peter?"

"What kind animals do we have with us?" Peter asked. "I can help if there is cattle."

Steve smiled at the young man, "Mostly domestic. Cows, dogs, cats, etc. Friendly animals that will be easy for us to handle." Steve said. "Taking care of those animals is everybody's responsibility."

"Okay. Thank you, Captain." Peter nodded in response.

"And one more thing." You said, "We have a rain forest chamber and vertical farming chamber as well. That was something you guys didn't know about. But for the time being we have to stick to our work. While working on Nexus. We will be staying in a temporary rooms on the planet. If the air isn't good for us. Then we will have to stay in our shuttle. So, I'd suggest you take a trip around the shuttle and know your way around."

"Any doubts?" Steve asked.

"How long till we land?" Barton asked.

"Another three or four days." Steve said.

"Sure." Barton said.

"Anyone else?" You asked again. "Okay then. Get to work guys."

Everyone filtered out of the room and you stood up as well. "Hey, Y/N. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure." You said.

"Not here. Can we go back to the viewing deck?" Steve asked.

"Okay. Let's go." You said and walked back to the viewing deck with him.

"So, umm..... I-" Steve stammered, "I wanted to ask you something."

"What, Steve?" You asked.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Steve asked quickly. Your mouth opened in shock. You were definitely sure you were dreaming right now. Was he really asking you out? Did he feel the same? "Y/N? Please, say something." Steve said.

"Y-Yes. Of course. I-I'd love to." You said.

"Oh, thank God." Steve chuckled, "I thought you'd say no for sure."

"And I thought you didn't feel the same." You said.

"I do. I just... was scared to say it." Steve said.

"Me too." You said.

"How about the cafeteria? Or mine or yours room?" Steve asked.

"I think we should go to one of ours room. I don't want the others to know right now." You said.

"Of course." Steve said, "Lunch or dinner?"

"Dinner." You answered.

"Okay. I'll bring the food and come to your room. Is that okay?" Steve asked and stepped closer to you. "How about tonight?"

"Yeah. Sounds good." You shrugged.

"See you soon, sunshine." Steve leaned down and kissed your cheek. You blushed as his lips brushed against your cheek. He gave you a sweet smile and then walked away.

Steve was blushing hard as he walked back to his quarters when he saw Bucky leaning on it, "So, did you ask her?"

"Yeah, I did." Steve said and swiped his access band over the console, opening the door and closing it behind Bucky. "She said yes."

"See, I told you she felt the same." Bucky said.

"Yeah yeah." Steve sighed and went to his bathroom, changing out of his suit and into a t- shirt and jeans. "We're having dinner in her room tonight."

"Ooo." Bucky teased and laughed at his best friend. "It was a good thing I brought this with me then." He said and tossed a box of condoms in the bathroom.

"Buck. Come on!" Steve threw the box back to Bucky. "I don't think it'll happen."

"But you should always be prepared, pal." Bucky chuckled.

"No, Buck." Steve came out of the room. "And don't tell that to anyone."

"Okay, man. Whatever you want." Bucky said."

"Keep your mouth shut." Steve warned his friend.

"Yes. I will. But can I just tell Wanda?" Bucky asked.

"No." Steve sighed, "No one, Bucky. Even if that person is your girlfriend."

"Okay, boss." Bucky groaned. "You wanna hit the gym?"

"Nah. I'm gonna go talk to Stark about the machinery." Steve said.

"Sure. See ya then." Bucky nodded and left Steve alone in the room. Steve couldn't help but smile to himself as he thought about you. He groaned loudly when he saw the box of condoms on his desk, "I'm gonna kill you, Buck." Steve mumbled to himself before putting the box in the back of his drawer.

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