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the sun began to rise brilliantly over the rolling hills, shifting the sky into an array of oranges and reds

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the sun began to rise brilliantly over the rolling hills, shifting the sky into an array of oranges and reds. its showering light illuminated the 'holly wood' sign and made the white wood sparkle with glee. a bird flying over the vast community called hollywood hills would view several empty driveways and dark housing structures. most of the residents with high paying jobs, which is the majority, had left for work by five.

down a seemingly abandoned suburban road was a one story house tucked away. on one side stood a similar house, belonging to a school teacher and her family. on the opposite side was a house occupied by a sweet old lady who was out of town visiting her family.

through the tall, light colored wood fence was a medium sized back yard. up against the house's exterior was a singular open window that had the screen removed from it, probably for a car or phone extension project. on the exterior wall rested two paws plastered in fur. they belonged to a very fluffy body that was angling itself up toward the window and emitting an ear piercing loud noise.

the dog stood tall and slim on two paws with several layers of fur covered her body. she had floppy ears that stood as a triangle would. her head was a darker brown tone, nose edging towards the sill of the window. she barked and whined repeatedly, struggling to get in through the window. her paws bounced off the exterior wall and she landed back on all four feet. she trotted backwards and bent her knees, crouching down a bit. the fluffy dog then propelled herself forward at alarming speeds, hopping through the window and landing with a loud thud on her stomach.

to the right of the fallen dog stood a double sized bed. under a black, fluffy blankets was a prominent lump. up resting on the double stacked pillows were a couple strands of light blonde hair. the blanketed lump jerked upward from the laying down position, so they were in a seated spot.

from the back angle it appeared to be a female. she had long blonde hair that was put up into double dutch braids. she wore a thin material sleep tank top with the right strap falling dangerously below her shoulder. her legs were covered in sleep wear shorts that rode dangerously close to her butt cheeks. her thin arms began to stretch upward, causing her bones to crack followed by a small yawn of pleasure.

she grasped the edge of the blankets with her small, pale hands and threw them off her head. her ears picked up a small whine which caused her body to whip around. it could easily be seen that she had bright blue eyes and a pale face. her frame was thin and she was rather short average for her age. she scanned the floor and saw the dog sprawled out on the floor. "nyx, did my idiot brother forget to bring you in again?"

phoenyx scampered off her feet and to the side edge of her owner's bed, hopping and wagging her tail like she was seeing the blonde for the first time. she opened her jaw a few inches and clamped lightly onto the groggy girl's hand, tugging to drag her out of bed.

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