Ice cream Please! (5 month's pregnant )

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Paisley's p.o.v

Tonight is the hottest night of the year so far here in LA. My shirt was sticking to me so bad I had to take it off. I haven't slept a lick, it's two in the morning and I'm craving Ben&Jerry's. I look over at Cameron who was Sound asleep, exausted from his last day of filming Expelled. I feel like a jerk but I'm at the point where I can't even see my toes and will be super uncomfortable if I get up.

"Cam....Baby" I wispered shaking him softly. He moaned and moved a little untill opening his eyes.

"Mmm what , you alright " he asked while rubbing his eyelids being half asleep.

"Will you do me a favor?" I asked and I could feel his eyes on me.

"Does it involve me getting out of bed?" He asked while letting out a sigh. My heart broke a little considering I was going to ask him to go to the store for me.

"Yes......Can you go get me some Ben&Jerry's. Im so sorry Cameron." I said while rolling over on my side facing him. I placed my lips on his and ran my fingers through his messy hair.

"You know I love you right." He said while slowly making his way up. I smiled and nodded my head.

"Yes I do, and I love you to."

Cameron's p.o.v

I hopped out of my cad and quickly ran into a mini marked here in LA wich we call 'stop and rob' because sadly this place is robbed once a week. I fast walked my way to the Ice Cream isle and grabed some Ben&Jerry's then walked to the cash register. Standing infront of an older looking man who seemed to be in his late 40s, I place the ice cream on the counter. He pressed a few bottons on his register then cleared his throat.

"$5.60." He said with a flat tone and I handed him a ten.

"Keep the change." I said as I grabbed the Ice ceam and headded back to my car.
I finally arrived back home to see Paisley sitting at the barstool with Nash both with spoons in their hand's.

"Why are you up it's two in the morning. " I asked Nash and he smiled.

"Well I 'overheard' something about ice cream, why else would I be sitting here." He said sarcasticly. I laughed and Sat the ice cream infront of the both of them, watching them attack it like vultures. I grabbed a spoon out of tbe drawer and fought my way in for some ice cream, having little luck. Paisley grabbed the carton and took off running causing both Nash and I to chase after her.

"Im pregnant, let me be fat and eat my ice cream in peace" she shouted making her way to our Room locking the doors, leaving Nash and I with empty stomachs.

"Hey bro, ive got Oreos in the cupboard" Nash stated.

"Then why the hell are we standing here." I said laughing.

Authors note
Hey my 86's!
Yes I know this is a short chapter
I promise you they will get longer soon!
Im trying to speed this up to the baby's arrival sorry for the sucky updates!!!

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