26mgmt Event

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Paisleys p.o.v
His name was being shouted by a coupple hundered girls and I could practically feel the anxiety bursting out of me.Girls were everywhere pushing eachother trying to get somewhat closer to the boys and I could feel myself starting to shake. I quickly grabbed my purse and dug through until I found my pills. I saw cameron staring at me and he smiled while sending me a wink. It settled me a little bit but not enough. I took the pills and sat down in a cold metal chair you would mainly find in a roller rink.

"Hey guys welcome to 26mgmt tour! Who is excited for today?!" Hayes asked and the girls were in a riot. Carter announced that they would be answering questions that they had first almost every hand in the venue shot up.

"You in the blue shirt shoot for it." Carter said.

"Cameron are you really dating that girl?" the short brown haired girl asked. Cameron glanced at me and I shook my head no.I know he wanted to tell them but honestly it was to soon they can't know now or it would ruin everything.
"No were just friends...for now at least." he said and the crowed got wild. Carter looked around the room and pointed to a girl in the front

"You in the Cam shirt." he said and she took in a deep breath.

"Is she here?" I heated another girl ask cameron. he looked at me againan I let out a sigh while I nodded my head yes.

"Yea she is....Hey Paisley come out here!" he said once again the Crowed went crazy and I walked onto the sage. I look out into the crowed and waved to them. I sat down next to cam and felt aittle overwhelm. Hayes picked in the next girl and this time her question was for me.
"Did you and Cam have sex that night because you both looked pretty shitfaced and you too were grinding on eachother...." that question caught me off gaured but I quickly scraped up an answer.

"Cameron and I did not have sex and if we did I honestly think that is a very personal question that shouldn't be asked." Nash called on somebody else and I began thinking of everything.
I got a message from Cam and I slid my phone open.
Cam-Are you okay? when she asked the question your face went white.
I took a few seconds to reply then pressed send.

Paisley- yea just a little caught off guard I guess.

Cam-okay how ya feeling?

Paisley-honestly stomach feels like someone twisted my insides and fed them to a dog.

Cam-Do you need to puke again?

Paisley- I don't know if I do I'll just go to the bathroom or something.

Cam-okay and babe you look so good right now tbh👌

Paisley-okay cam hey pay attention to your fans that's why there here😂

After I sent the message cameron put his phone away and smiled at the audience.

*After the show back at the Hotel*

When we finally got back to the hotel my stomach was churning and I knew the out come wouldn't be good. Cameron took his sweaty shirt off to join me on the bed. I Gripped my stomach and moans of pain ecaped my mouth while Cameron rubbed my back.

"Babe it hurts so f**king bad ugghhh" he was quiet but continued to rub my back in effort to comfort me.

"It's gonna be okay you'll fell better in no time okay?" he said and I just nodded my head. This hurts so bad it's probably the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. My mouth began to water like it did on the plain and I rushed to the bathroom and cameron followed me. I was crouched over the toilet and he held my hair up as I pucked my guys out into the toliet.
I knew I was pregnate.
I know there's nothing I can do.
I started crying and cameron turned my face to face his.

"Why are you crying Paisley?" He asked and I just shook my head.

"I don't know if it's hormones or if I'm sad but Cameron I'm pretty damn sure I'm pregnant." Cameeon looked at the floor and back at me.

"I had a feeling on the plain you were too....But paisley you need to realize this." I gave him a questioning look.

"What?" I asked and he smiled.

"Were going to have a pretty cute baby" he said and I started laughing which got Interupted by me puking once again. I looked down at my stomach and and placed my hands on it.

"Your worth it." I said and cameron smiled.

"Yes He is." I have him a funny look and chuckled.

"What makes you think it's a boy?" I asked and he smiled.

"I always prayed to god for a son when I was a little kid and babe I just know it's going to be a boy." I smiled at him.

"Well I think it's a girl." I said and he laughed.

"Your only saying that beside I think it's a boy arnt you." I laughed and he smiled while he shook his head.

"Maybe." I said.

"Well I don't care what gender it is I will love the child just as much if it was a girl. And she would get my good looks so let's hope it's a girl." I gasped and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Kidding Paisley I was kidding! and if we have a son and he looks like you were gonna need some help because the girls will be all over him. He will have the most beautiful mom in the whole world I guarantee it."

"I wish I could kiss you right now." I said and he chuckled.

"Me too." I smiled whike he got up to his feet and outstretched a hand.

"Common babe I was thinking of maybe watching a movie and cuddling. Does that sound good?" I smiled and nodded my head.

"It sounds perfect."

!Hey my 86s!
Son im sorry for the terrible and short chaper we it's 3:00 am and I can't sleep! Do I was wondering if you guys would be okay with me doing a time laps so I can get closer to doing the ultrasound?! Thank you so much for getting me over 300 reads I. This book y'all are amazing and I love you all!

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