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3 month's later.

I laid there in the hospital bed with depression written all over me. This wasn't how things were supposed to go.

I was supposed to Marry Cameron, have more kids, watch Dakota grow up. Now I'm stuck in a hospital with IVs hooked up to my arms and an Oxygen support tube through my nose.

A light knock filled the room and my attention turned to the door. Low and behold in front of my eyes was Mr.Dallas himself. I didn't realize how much I actually missed him since I saw him a few hours ago.

It's been getting worse.
But Cameron seems to be finding light in this dull situation. He's been visiting as much as he can and he even brings Dakota into see me at least once everyday.

Today he came by but he had a bible in his hand. Cameron told me he's been improving his relationship with God since I got bad. I think it's what's holding him together.

He told me a story he read, out of the bible and It was quite interesting. Of course I've heared vague parts of the story, the basics really but it was so much more when Cameron told me about it.

It was Jesus's Crucifixion, and how he died for our sins. They way he told it actually brought me to tears, he told me I could be saved too but I don't think I'm ready, or if I 100% believe in God or not.

Cameron said Dakota is improving her vocabulary. She says Momma and Daddy, she even learned Cameron's  New dogs name, Jaxx.
Jaxx is really good with Dakota apparently and Dakota adores him. He also says that she says Nash and has become quite fond of his long hair.

Nash has came in to see me a lot.
We've became closer since I've been in here and it's nice. He says he's found a girl he really likes, Fletcher I think her name is. He's shown me a few picture's  and she's absolutely gorgeous. Her long brown hair reaches to her middle back and she has pretty Hazel eye's.  Nash says her eyes are just like mine, a color that deserves to make a big deal about itself.
Of course he's just being nice but it was sweet.

Nate has actually came to visit me quite a few times wich surprises me. We usually talk about random things and spitball song ideas with eachother. He's actually written one and recorded it. It's called Life and by far one of my favourites. Nate told me he used to have a crush on me and it made me smile. Past all of his moronic antics he's a genuine guy. He thinks Cameron and I are each others true loves and I can't disagree with him.

Sammy stops in every night and checks in on me. He's bought me flowers a few times and says he misses me now that I'm not at his house any more. He's so sweet.
He's shared that he's going on tour with Dillion Rupp in a couple of months or so but he promises to still come see me at least twice a month. I will miss him but he needs to enjoy life.

My parents and brother have came down a few times and from my understanding is that they have accepted Cameron and apologized for their behavior. Carson is going to stay with Cam for a coupple of weeks to be closer to me. I miss my brother a lot so I'm glad for this. According to Carson Dakota isn't to sure about him yet but he'll grow on her.

The Doctor told me that no improvements are shown, the Chemo isn't working. They said they can try somethung else if I want to but they are not sure if it will work or not. I said to try and if it fails go back to chemo,even though it sucks horrendously.

My hair has been cut short, I couldn't go completely bald, not yet anyways. Cameron told me I could be Shanaenae and get a weave wich made me laugh. He liked seeing me smile, he says he doesn't get to see it that much anymore.

He's right.

For now I will try to fight, fight for my life, for my family, for my friends. This is going to be hard but at least I can die saying I tried.

Authors Note!

Awwww P!!!

Comment what you think about Paisley and anything else. I like your feedback so please don't be shy!

Ashley Dallas

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