Chapter 40

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"Shit no" Vivian pointed at him nervous all of a sudden starting to hide behind Amara. "Hey no don't be scared he's harmless" Amara assured her, "well he is a vigilante with guns and can cause a lot of damage" Amara had no clue the real reason Vivian was hiding.

"He cheated on you?! You did right by dumping his ass" he told her. "No but he doesn't know I know" Amara whispered, "so you can't tell anyone and I mean anyone" knowing whole heartedly he would go home and tell Tim, who'd tell Stephanie the notorious spoiler, who'll most likely accidentally let it spill during a family dinner or something creating unwanted but more importantly unnecessary awkwardness.

"Vivian Sofia Walker how many times have I told you not to walk home late at night?" Redhood turned to the brunette hiding behind her friend. "Red, hey how you doin'?" She stood up straighter standing beside Amara who was sending her questioning looks.

"You two know each other?" Amara stated, "she's jester" Vivian's eyes widened as Amara turned to her shocked before smirking, "yeah I figured that out a while ago" the former assassin shrugged it wasn't really hard and didn't take long to put the pieces together. "She's siren"

"Jason! I can't believe you told her!" Jason's eyes widened and Amara looked at her shocked "wait hold on a minute you're names Jason?" Amara stifled a laugh looking at the offended man. "Wait Jason Todd? Y-you're supposed to be dead" Amara pointed at him accusingly.

"Quit the shocked looks you both know who I am" Jason leaned onto his left foot a hand on his hip. "You know him?" The two friends stared at each other.

"He's kinda Damian's brother" Amara told her the same time Vivian said "I'm kinda seeing him" Amaras eyes widened "no" she pointed between the two "you and you" the two nodded at Amaras accusation.

"You know what? I'm not surprised considering everything that's happened in the last couple of weeks this is the least shocking" she sat down on an empty conveniently placed crate in the dingy alley they were stood in.

"Can we go back to the part where you think he cheated on you?" she doesn't need to talk about it if she doesn't want to" Jason spoke up, "as her best friends we have every right to know" Amara quietly whispered "I was there".

The two looked confused "are we supposed to know where that is?" Vivian asked.

"The gala a couple weeks ago.."

Jason clicked on the quickest "oh god.. Damian said you weren't coming!" Jason gasped and Vivian was slowly putting the pieces together. "He lied?!"

"Last minute I decided to go and when I went to find Damian I found him.. with Leia hanging off his arm and all over him just like at the party... you know being all Leia-like kissing his face and acting as if they've been married for years" she fake smiled as if it didn't hurt.

"You know he wouldn't do that if he had a choice" Jason surprisingly tried to defend him. "There always a choice have you met the guy? He could've said no and brushed her off like everyone else but it's not just that.." Vivian grimaced "what else?"

"He called me after I got home and I could hear her.. in his bedroom and I'm not saying anything happened but why would he be alone with her in his bedroom? He barely lets you guys in there.." she added pointing at Jason.

"I saw them together and I went up to him and said 'what the fuck?' He said you knew and were totally fine with it so I didn't say anything but he did tell me he had to be nice for a business deal his father was making" Vivian told them getting angrier by the second.

"I don't know what the hell happened" Amara groaned "you dumped him so forget about him!" Vivian advised.

"No not that, I used to be this bad ass chick who didn't take shit from anyone and now I'm some emotional teen who's constantly crying over my best friend turned boyfriend turned ex what is this some tragic love novel?!" She put her head into her hands trying to remember the last time she felt like herself.

"I know, you haven't been mean to me since we first became friends and that was months ago" Vivian agreed finding a seat on Amaras lap "the old you would've pushed me off the second I got within 5 feet of you but we're besties so do that and you'll regret it, you're stuck with me now babe and I promise we will get the old you back, you don't need him to be the strong, confident and independent Amara you once were" She told her wrapping her arms around her neck while Amara wrapped hers around her waist.

"Oh my god this going to be a literal queen comeback era someone play Olivia Rodrigo cause it's going to be brutal" Jason grinned trying to include himself in the girl talk, the two women shook their heads at his lame attempt.

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