Chapter 61

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"I just assumed that there would have been some talk about your birthright" Mara looked at him questionably. "Birthright?" Dick shook his head "no no no Damian stays with us" he pointed at his younger brother.

"You're seriously going to run the league?" Tim laughed.

"We were supposed to take over when we turned 18.. But that was back when grandfather was running things we didn't think we'd have a different life to the one they had planned for us" Damian told them tired of all the yelling mainly from Barbara saying she didn't trust him with her sister and berating him for trying to get her to lead a cult with him.

"It's not a cult" Mara told them. "More like a club an exclusive one.. with maiming and murder weapons" she had the smallest hint of a smile remembering her first weapon, one she still had in her bag with her at all times.
It was a thing they did, sort of like tinkerbell only with weapons, you pick a bunch of different ones til you find one you bond with.

Amara's was her dagger, Damian had his katana, hers was a shuriken, and Evan had a boomerang.. what you bond with is what you bond with. After Evans supposed death she began to carry his weapon with her as a reminder of what happens when you're not careful.

They divided themselves into teams, Vivian - Barbara - Tim would stay on the ship as back up and eyes and ears.

Bart - Jason - Dick would hold off the attackers should they be discovered while Mara and Damian rescued Amara.

Amara groaned waking up once again, she was tied to a lab and her neck was extremely sore. It was an hourly occurrence of trying to find different ways to kill her, the preferred method over the last 2 was asphyxiation.

She'd been stabbed in the head a couple of times, that took slightly longer to come back from and left her with a nasty headache. Yet each time she kept coming back, it had gotten to a point that she wished they succeeded and it would finally end, the longer they kept killing her the less human she began to feel. Her mind started to consume her about her immortality. What if she outlived her family? Outlived Damian? She wasn't sure she would survive watching him grow old and die while she lived. She wasn't able to grasp the whole concept, would she stop aging after a certain age? Her mother looked really good for her age. But what if it was like she lived out a life time and then just got reborn? I mean she's been growing everyday for the last 17 years. Her mom is supposedly a couple hundred years old, how does that work?

"Test 38 on subject AA01" he held up a  vile containing a purple liquid. For a second it reminded her of the purple stuff they injected the minions with in that one movie. Her mind was fuzzy with her brain still healing from the stab it took not even 12 hours ago.

He injected the liquid into the iv that kept her high and unable to fight back. Her body began to convulse slightly and her veins quickly turned purple and prominent. Her body was on fire and her limbs tried to pull at the restraints.

She began to choke at the liquid coming up her throat. She coughed as the liquid seeped through the cracks of her sewn lips. She looked at the doctor pleadingly to help her breathe. Evan walked into the room watching her struggle, he muttered something to the doctor all she could hear was Nyssa's name before he scurried out.

The second he was gone Evan rushed over with surgical scissors and cut the wire connecting her lips. The second she was free she vomited the blood off the side of the table.

Evan sat her up and injected her again and after a couple of minutes the burning feeling eased up and he undid her restraints. The second her mind was clear she was grabbing the scalpel and lunging at Evan, her breathing was heavy and she had a crazed look in her face. If she hadn't just been in excruciating pain and exhausted the scalpel would be lodged very deeply into his left eye. She seethed continuously trying to stab him over and over again. Her other hand reached for the knife in his sheath and stabbed his chest close to his heart. He pushed her back pulling the knife out, she crawled to him again trying to stab him, kill him or at least the bare minimum of making him feel the pain she felt in the last 24 hours or the pain Damian felt when he landed on the van. "Stop Mari please".

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