Journal Entry: Deployment

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Time passed. I went to SOI(School of Infantry). It was much harder than I expected. However I got through it.
At SOI I was able to learn a lot of things about deployment.
Months passed and I did preparation for deployment. I was going to get deployed to Water Mountain.
I got my military uniforms and other essentials I may need.
I got deployed there.
When I arrived I saw that the place was surrounded by a forest. Water Mountain wasn't enormous though. It was also sunny there.
As I unpacked my things in the sleeping quarters. I spoke with a bunch of people. They were wearing their military uniforms. It's only the one thing we are allowed to wear.
"What is your name?" Someone asked.
"Nicholas, what about you all?" I questioned.
They said.
"Do you all want to be friends?" I asked.
"Sure." They all said.
"So to get to know each other. Why did you join the marines?" I asked.
"Money problems." Ester revealed.
"Not having enough motivation for college." Joel said.
   "I always wanted to." Maria added on.
"What about you Nicholas?" Joel asked.
"Same reason as Maria said." I said.
Someone walked in. It was Adam.
"I guessed they deployed you here too." I commented.
"Yeah. I'm glad to see you." Adam added.
"Me too. By the way, this is Adam." I added on.
"Nice to meet you." Ester said.
"So do you want to join the game of asking random questions?" I asked.
"Sure." Adam said.
We got to know each other a bit. Later it was time for training. Then learning about deployment stuff.
Later it was time for lunch. I ate with Joel, Maria, Ester and Adam.
"I'm so tired." Ester commented.
"The worst part was running and doing physical activities," I added on.
"At least now we can enjoy a good meal." Adam brought out.
"Do you guys want to play the game of random questions?" Maria asked.
"Let's eat first." Joel said.
We ate.
Then there was more training and learning.
Later it was free time. I got the chance to speak with Maria. She had long brown hair like dirt and blue eyes like the ocean. She also had her hair slicked in a bun. It was only the hairstyle she would have.
"What a crazy first day." Maria added.
"I can agree on that." I added on.
"I have a question. Are you a christian?" She inquired.
"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.
"I just feel like I need to talk about this with someone. I think that Jesus may be coming back soon, like the signs are happening right in front of our eyes." She mentioned.
"I honestly don't know, but don't forget Matthew 24:36." I added.
Day one finished.
Days two and three were mostly about training and learning.
I also got to know everyone more. I found out that Maria, Joel, Ester, and Adam are christians.
On day 3 I remember getting awoken by Maria at two in the morning.
"Wake up." She whispered in my ear.
She whispered to Joel, Ester and Adam to wake up.
She also gestured for us to come with her.
We talked with her outside in a hidden location behind the main building.
"Why did you wake us up at 4 in the morning?" I asked.
"Hear me out. Jesus came back. I swear I'm not kidding." Maria stated.
"Are you sure?" Joel inquired.
"I swear I'm sure." Maria assured.
"I think that explains why I hear noises that sounded  like trumpets." Ester added.
"Oh my. We're screwed." I said.
I started to get stressed.
"I overheard the base commander speak on the phone yesterday. I heard that we will have to get a mark on our right hand or forehead today otherwise we will be killed." Adam revealed.
"We have to sneak out of the base." Maria said.
"I suggest we get MRE's and water in our backpacks. Also I suggest that we take our gear and weapons." Adam suggested.
"Everyone take as many things as you can." I added on.
"Let's meet up here. Don't take too long." Maria instructed.
Everyone left.
I took my silenced pistol, knife and some MRE's.
I went back to the meeting spot. Ester and Joel were already back. We waited for Adam and Maria to show up. Eventually they did.
Maria showed us a way to get out of the base unnoticed. It was through an opening in a brick wall.
We walked through the forest.

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