Journal Entry: Growing

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Days passed. We got to know each other.
More people started to join the group. We checked if they had the mark.
We did it similarly as we checked Simon, Rhea, and Diana.
No one had it.
As people were coming I kept on changing patrol schedules. It got to a point when it was only a certain group of people doing the patrols. If they wanted to of course.
Sometimes passed. There was a food shortage. We only had MRE's to last us a week.
I called a meeting to discuss the situation.
"There had been a food shortage. Any suggestions for what we could do about it?" I asked.
"We could try to plant plants." Simon suggested.
"That would take a long time." Maria said.
"Are there any other suggestions?" I proposed.
"We could try to take over one of the bases from the marines." Diana proposed.
"It's quite risky but we've been successful at doing so before." Maria said.
"Maybe at Frelo? It's the closest base from here. Also it's a really big base." Joel said.
"It could work." Maria added.
"Okay, give me time to think over a plan. I will call you all when I finish. Meeting, dismissed." I said.
Everyone left the room.
I started planning.
After about two hours I made a plan.
I called everyone to come back to the security room.
"This is the plan for Frelo. Only Maria, Joel, Diana and I are going. We are leaving tonight. All of us will go there by foot. When we get there we will climb over the wall in the back. Joel will disable the alarm which is located on the east side of the base. Maria you will disable the security system. Diana, Maria and I will eliminate everyone. When everyone finishes their job tell me through the earpiece." I said.
"Are you sure about this?" Joel asked.
"Yes, I'm sure." I replied
"What if we were caught?" Joel asked.
"We never got caught. We won't get caught. Trust me." I said.
Hours passed. We walked to Frelo.
All of us walked to the back entrance.
We climbed over the wall and went separate ways.
I did my part of the job. Later Maria and Joel notified me that they did their part.
Later I contacted Adam.
"The job is done. Now I would like you to send about half of the people here. Also tell Simon to get to Frelo with the other people." I added.
"Okay he will be there in about two hours." Adam said.
"Okay, thanks. Stay safe." I said.
"You too." He said.
I explored Frelo. I saw that it had a stable. There were about 10 grown horses. It also had some baby horses.
After two hours Simon and people came.
"It's good that you are here. Now the food at Water Mountain will last us quite a while." I added.
"I actually used to have a garden. I think that I know how to plant." Simon said.
"That's great. Maybe you could teach some other people too." I said.
"I think that I will." Simon said.
I looked around. I also found a security room. It was almost the same as the one at Water Mountain. There were lots of cupboards there. I looked through them. It was just mostly files about people, military bases and ect.
Night came. I looked for the bunk beds so I could go to sleep. Eventually I found them.
I got myself ready to sleep.

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