Journal Entry: Ravished

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Another cloudy day began. However I got information. Adam called me.
"Ester disappeared." Adam revealed.
"Did she mention if she was going to Frelo?" I asked.
"No, she just disappeared." Adam replied.
"I'm coming to Water Mountain. I will be there in a couple hours." I said and hung up.
I walked over to the PA. I made an announcement.
"I will be leaving Frelo. Maria, you are in charge for the time I am not at Frelo."
I got my military gear. I walked over to the stables and got on a horse.
I rode to Water Mountain.
After a couple hours of horse riding I arrived at Water Mountain. Adam was already by the main gate. I got off the horse. I walked it in through the gate. Then I walked over to Adam.
"Do you have a lead?" I asked.
"Yeah, come with me." Adam said then started walking.
I gave my horse over to people in Water Mountain. I got back to Adam.
We jogged to the back area of Water Mountain. Speaking more specifically the open wall.
It started to rain a little bit. It also got foggy. 
Adam stopped jogging. "This is where Ester was last seen." He mentioned.
The hole in the fence was opened. On the other side of the fence were mud footsteps.
I called for extra people to come. They came. There were about 10 of them.
"Okay half of you go with me, the other half stay with Adam." I said.
People separated themselves.
"Adam, if I don't come back for an extremely long time, take over as leader. Also have people here patch this wall." I added.
My part of the group started following the mud footsteps. The footsteps started to lead us into the forest. After walking for a couple minutes I felt something kick me in the head. It made me pass out.
I woke up. I was in a yellow room. I was tied up to a chair. In front of me was a window. Through it I saw Ester. Her hair was out of a bun, it was quite messy. Her nose was also bleeding. She was getting whipped on her back. As the whip striked her back she yelled from the pain she experienced.
I tried getting myself out but I couldn't.
A guy walked in front of me. He looked like a high ranking official.
"You see, I have your friend in there. And for every second you don't tell us about your people she will get whipped." The guy said.
"I am not saying anything." I said.
"Then you will watch." The guy said. He moved away.
I saw Ester get whipped. I hated watching that. It was quite uncomfortable for me. I wanted to break out but the straps were too strong. I wiggled and twisted but all of my efforts were hopeless.
I wanted to say something, so many times.  However I had to keep my cover.
I started to plead with the guy. "Please stop! Please!" I pleaded and yelled.
However the guy got shot in the face. The person that shot the guy was one of my guys. They started to cut into the elastics. As he was doing that my other guys busted in the room. They shot everyone except Ester. They got Ester. One of them carried her out of the room.
My guy finished cutting the elastics. Then he handed me a pistol. I loaded it.
We got out of the room. I followed my guy. We ran out of the building. If there were people in our way we would kill them. However we would have to do so loudly because we had barely any time to be stealthy.
As we were running people who were with Ester joined us.
Eventually all of us got to the outside area. The alarm got triggered. Also a voice was saying something over the PA system. "Prisoners escaped." They kept on repeating.
I looked around. I realized that we were in another base.
"We are outnumbered here. We have to sneak out. I know a secret exit. Follow me." My guy said as he was running.
My group and I followed him. We passed by everyone. We stayed hidden by crate boxes.
Eventually we got out of the base. While it was heavily raining we ran in the forest to limit the chance of getting caught.
I feel kind of bad for the guy who had to carry Ester. However he is a muscular guy.
After a couple feet we got deep in the forest.
One of my guys finds a map of the area on the ground. He showed it to everyone. I checked it. I saw that we are just a couple miles away from Water Mountain.
All of us resumed walking. I mostly focused on walking and not saying anything.
Hours passed. We were still in the forest. It turned to nighttime. The rain also stopped. We were soaking wet.
However we still keep on walking. We wanted to limit the chance of getting caught.
More hours pass. Morning comes. It's sunny outside. By now I am tired and I need to sleep. I almost passed out a couple times.
All of us finally get to Water Mountain. We walk through the gate. I fell and passed out.
I woke up. I was laying down and wearing a hospital gown. Adam was sitting by my left side.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Med bay." Adam revealed.
I turned my head to the right. A couple steps away was Ester. She was sleeping.
"She will be fine. The doctor team helped. She just needs to rest, and so do you." Adam added on.
"I know," I said.
Adam got up.
"I'm glad to see that you are okay," Adam told me.
Adam started to walk away.
"Get rest, Nick!" He said.
I fell asleep.
Days passed. I got better. So did Ester. The whip marks started to disappear from her skin.
A week passed. While I was sleeping in the med bay I was awoken by Ester's voice. She was talking through her dream.
"Stop, just stop." I heard her say.
I sat in a chair by her bed. I woke her up by saying. "Hey, you are home."
Ester opened her eyes. She turned over to me.
"Are you feeling okay?" I asked.
"I was there again." Ester revealed.
What she said made me feel concerned.
"Go back to sleep. I will manage." Ester added on.
"If you say so." I said.
I went back to sleep.

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