To Unmask

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It's been a month after the incident and just like what the season brought to nature of sleepiness due to low temperature, the frost in the air gives chills to your lonely bed. After Mark and JB was apprehended, Jungkook needs to leave to New York with Mr Lee for business. You spent most of the holidays with Rosé and Jimin. He always called you and making sure that Lio, is there to guard you despite the long argument you had with him just to convince you of this idea.

"You can't blame him you know, after what happened and knowing that he will be away for a while drives him crazy, you need to understand. Isn't that sweet?" said Rosé sitting on the couch with you handing you a glass of champagne as she noticed that you've been checking on Lio who is on the corner of the room near the entrance door.

"Well, I just wish that he is with me and not Lio" you said after a long sigh. She holds your hand and smile. "I feel you" she said.

"I really love your place Rei" said Lia who sits beside you.

"Thank you for inviting us over" said Baek who followed Lia from sitting.

"No, thank you all for being here with me celebrating Christmas with a company like yours warms my heart" you said smiling at them.

"You warm my heart too?" said Soobin whispering and standing at the side acting like a high school boy dreaming about his girl crush. Jimin bumped him with his shoulder to wake him up, Soobin looked at him and bend half of his body forward and apologize "Sorry please don't tell boss" They looked at each other and laughed. Jimin remember how Jungkook approached Soobin before he leaves and warned him about having a crush on Rei. Thinking about how Jungkook got affected by this little kid, makes him laugh. He was like watching two kids fighting over the girl they like.

Soobin, connects his phone to a speaker and play an upbeat music that invites Baek to start dancing, Baek walk towards Jimin and challenged him for a dance battle. Jimin was shaking his head yet Baek start showing his dance moves in front of him.

"Oh my, look at them" Lia said blushing.

When Baek didn't get the challenged he wanted, he went to get Lia and dance with her while looking at Jimin again giving him an eye that this woman is his. Jimin gets the warning and shake his head again. You saw how Jimin moved his gazed to Rosé who obviously avoided it looking back at her glass of champagne.

"What happen?" you asked Rosé.

"What?" She acted like she didn't understand the question. You smiled at her and move your eyes looking at the man he meant the question for.

"Nothing" she said

You lifted your shoulder and say "OK" then waited until she finally ready to say it. As you expected, after five seconds she started talking.

"I don't know, I stopped seeing him and replying on his messages for a while now" she said looking at you then looked back to her glass. You didn't ask for a follow-up question but looked at her again waiting until she opened her mouth. You knew that if she is being shy or getting the feeling of losing, she is acting like this. She hates it, every time she felt like she is losing the game she started, although you have warned her that she may fail with him, yet she still remains doing it.

"I don't know, Rei. We always go out and we do what he wanted, it was great, and he makes sure that I enjoyed it but Rei, how come he isn't playing in my rule, it seems like I am the one being played on. It turns out that I am the only one following the condition he set. We are just...kissing but...every time I started you know...THAT... he is stopping me and I.... I never complain and Rei I don't know, but I am...but I am getting used to it and...."

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