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As the last days of September slipped into October, the air around Hogwarts took on a crispness that hinted at the coming chill of winter. The grounds were transformed into a kaleidoscope of color—scarlet, amber, and gold leaves danced in the gentle breeze, creating a breathtaking view that captivated Elizabeth's heart. Autumn had always been her favorite season, and with each passing day, she found herself drawn outdoors, eager to embrace the beauty that surrounded her.

With a soft smile gracing her lips, she wandered the familiar paths, her black Mary Jane shoes crunching delightfully against the carpet of leaves. Thoughts of how much her life had shifted in the past month filled her mind. 

She thought of Fred, whom she felt an undeniable pull towards. He had a knack for making her laugh—a genuine, joyful laugh that lit up her whole being. He brought out her inner child, and she craved that sense of playfulness. Without even realizing it, she started to seek him out wherever she went. The feelings that stirred inside her when they were together were confusing, but she welcomed them. She simply enjoyed being with him.

Lost in a daydream, she hadn't noticed when a shadow approached from behind and before she could react, her crimson beret was snatched from her head. She spun around, a spark of indignation flaring in her green eyes as she met the mischievous gaze of Fred Weasley, a devilish grin plastered across his face.

"What—" she exclaimed, watching him dangle her beret in the air like a prized trophy.

"Fred Weasley! Give it back right this instant!" she commanded, half-laughing, half-furious.

"And why should I do that, little star?" he quipped, tilting the beret atop his head with an exaggerated flourish.

"Because it's mine! It doesn't belong to you," she retorted, hands on her hips, trying her best to look stern.

"Hmmm, but what if I want it? I think it would look rather good on me, don't you?" He flashed a cocky smile, clearly enjoying the game.

"Fred!" she took a step forward, only for him to retreat with a teasing smirk.

"You'll have to come get it if you want it," he challenged, turning on his heel and sprinting away.

With a laugh bubbling up, Elizabeth gave chase. She was determined to retrieve her hat, but in her eagerness, she miscalculated her footing. A loose rock betrayed her, sending her tumbling into a pile of leaves with a squeal.

"Elizabeth! Are you okay?" Fred rushed back, his laughter barely contained as he tried to stifle it. The sight of her, sprawled among the colorful foliage with leaves adorning her hair, was nothing short of comical.

"I'm fine!" she protested, though she couldn't help but chuckle at her own clumsiness. As he helped her up, their eyes met, and for a moment, the world around them faded away. The air thickened with something unspoken, a current of electricity that made her heart race.

"You have leaves in your hair," he said softly, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone as he began to gently pick them out, his fingers brushing against her hair.

"Thank you..." she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, trying to suppress the flutter in her chest and the heat rising to her chest.

With a delicate touch, he placed her beret back on her head, tucking a few stray strands of hair beneath it. "I really should get myself one of those," he remarked, the corners of his mouth lifting in that charming way that made her heart skip.

"Very fitting for you," she teased, shoving him lightly, though it hardly budged him. They made their way back to the castle, their laughter filling the air.

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