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Elizabeth had been at the school for almost a month now, and the air in the castle was crisp as autumn began to blanket Hogwarts in shades of gold and red. She sat on a stone bench near the lake, sketchbook in hand, the gentle sound of the water lapping against the shore soothing her spirit. She had taken to bringing Draco with her on these quiet afternoons, hoping to coax him into the lightness she felt among the trees and the whispers of the wind.

Draco arrived a few minutes later than usual, his usual expression softened slightly by the sunlight filtering through the branches above. He carried a small book, something she was used to seeing him with.

"Hey, I thought you were lost," Elizabeth teased, her smile brightening her face.

"Not lost," he replied, his lips quirking up at the corners, "just... delayed."

As they settled into a comfortable silence, Elizabeth noticed the way Draco's gaze flickered across the surface of the lake, his usual intensity replaced by a subtle vulnerability. She decided to break the stillness.

"You know," she began softly, "I haven't been able to bring it up yet, but I was really hoping you'd come to the Gryffindor party. I think you would have enjoyed it,"

Draco's gaze shifted to her, a flicker of something—regret, perhaps—flashing in his stormy eyes.
"It's just not my scene, Liz," he said, shrugging slightly. "I don't really fit in there, I'm not exactly welcomed."

"But you could be," she insisted gently. 

He sighed, the weight of his past visible in the way his shoulders hunched slightly. "You don't understand, Liz. It's complicated. I've spent years being the villain in everyone's story. They don't see me; they see my name, my family, and their hatred for what I represent. I don't even think I know how to be... normal"

"But you're not your family, Draco. You're your own person, and you get to choose the person you are," she encouraged, pausing for emphasis. "Normal is overrated anyway," she added with a light laugh. "It's about being true to yourself. And you, Draco, are so much more than your reputation." 

They had been meeting for about three weeks—sometimes beneath their favorite tree, other times by the lake. Each afternoon, they would talk about books and share snippets of their lives. He had gradually begun to open up, but today was different; she could sense a newfound vulnerability in him. So she seized the opportunity, but when he briefly looked away after her words, doubt crept in, and she worried she had pushed too far. But then, to her surprise, he shifted closer, slowly lowering the walls he had built around himself.

"It's hard to believe that when everyone around me has already made up their minds."

 "You have to give them something to see, to change their perspective. You'd be amazed at how people can surprise you if you give them a chance. Maybe it's time to show them the real you, not who they expect you to be,"

He looked at her, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through his guarded expression. "What if they don't want to see? What if i'm destined to walk this road alone?"

"Then you'll find your own path," she said, her conviction unwavering. "You have every right to carve out a place for yourself. It doesn't have to be defined by what others think."

Draco's brow furrowed, contemplating her words. "You make it sound easy."

"Nothing worth having ever is," she replied, a gentle firmness in her tone. "I've felt out of place too. It's suffocating, isn't it? To always be on the outside looking in?"

He nodded slowly, his gaze drifting to the water. "I don't think I've ever truly belonged anywhere. I don't even think I know who I am, I was never given the chance to discover that,"

"Then let's discover who that person is," she said softly. "How about we start small? I could show you how to sketch. You have a talent for drawing. I've seen your doodles in class."

Draco raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You think I can draw?"

"Absolutely," she replied, her smile radiant and infectious. "Come on! It’ll be fun. Just follow my lead. Who knows? You might be an artist. You won’t discover who you really are if you keep your guard up. Embrace the new, live a little. Forget what others expect of you; focus on what you truly desire." With that, Elizabeth gently placed a pencil in his hand and guided him to an empty page in her sketchbook.

“Okay, look around,” she encouraged, her voice soft yet insistent. “Find something that captures your attention and sketch it. Don’t worry about perfection; just be yourself. Let your drawing reflect how you see the world.”

Draco’s gaze fell upon a majestic oak nearby, its leaves ablaze with autumn colors—fiery reds and brilliant golds dancing in the breeze.

He focused intently on the tree, his brow furrowing as he concentrated.

“That’s a wonderful choice,” Elizabeth said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Every tree has its own story, just like every person. There’s beauty in the ordinary, you just have to look for it.”

As he began to sketch, his pencil moved uncertainly at first, hesitant and unsure. But gradually, a rhythm emerged, and the lines on the page began to take shape. Elizabeth watched him, her heart swelling with pride as he became immersed in the moment. The usual aloofness on his face softened, replaced by a frown of concentration.

Time slipped away, and eventually, Draco leaned back, scrutinizing his drawing with a mix of disbelief and curiosity. “It’s… not terrible,” he admitted, surprise lacing his voice.

“It’s beautiful,” Elizabeth exclaimed, genuine admiration lighting up her face. “See? You’re more talented than you realize. Maybe you're an artist, you sure are good at it, but the great thing about life is that you get to choose that. You can be anything, you are made of experiences and emotions, and you continue to change and shape yourself in this world. It's okay not to know who you are, but don't let that be because of others image and idea of you,”

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the world and the warmth of their shared connection, Draco felt something shift within him—a flicker of hope igniting in the quiet spaces of his heart.

This chapter was actually inspired by my partner and I, we've had many conversations like this, and he's really helped me, and I've helped him, and we are helping each other grow. I wanted to add our magic to this story, I want Draco and Elizabeth’s friendship to be good and pure like ours...
Anyways, let me know what you guys think of it!

Brown Eyed Boy // Fred Weasley ( Rewriting )Where stories live. Discover now