CH. 5.3 Dura Mater

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"Gear up, gorgeous," Rile called from their New Orleans apartment. "Portal!"

Alex dashed in, her hair still wet from her oh-so-long shower, strapping on her scabbard and Guardian sword. She ran past Rile and into the portal.

"Don't worry about me!" Rile yelled after her. "I'll get our gear and your new field trauma medical kit! I'm happy to do it! Just run on ahead, love!" He grinned, shook his head, and grabbed their gear.

Alex skidded to a stop on the other side of the Portal when she saw an Anolis warrior female dressed in her breastplate, skirt of armored leather straps, and sandals with the metal-reinforced cord twisting up to her knees.

The female was facing Meribah, Razz, Lok, and an Anolis female dressed in flowing red robes and, oddly enough, a freedom collar. Gabe and Cale stood next to Meribah, but neither had their hands on their sword hilts. The warrior stood with her head held high, her back and tail straight

However, the warrior grasped the hilt of her sword when her gaze and Alex's locked. The Anolis' tail flickered and twisted in the air behind her as if it were its own entity. Alex withdrew her sword and started prowling around her like a panther.

Gabe said in a warning tone, "Alex—"

"Shut up, Gabe," Alex snapped. "If I'm here then your diplomacy has failed."

Cale yanked his oldest brother's arm when he started forward. Rile strolled over to them from the portal, chuckling at Alex's comment.

Razz's voice rang clear as he said, "I told you that you would draw the wrath of the Guardian."

Taking the cue, Alex said, "That's right. Did you think you would get away with your perversions and sadism?" She desperately hoped that Razz would fill her in on what was going on.

"Hiding your harems and the torture you inflict on your males will not save you," Meribah said in her proud voice.

Alex stopped in front of the warrior. "Harem challenge, moron."

"I have no harem, filthy mammal."

"Stupid and a coward," Alex replied. "I want your harem before you gifted it away. They will be mine when I defeat you."

"You cannot make new laws for the Anolis nation," the warrior spat back at her.

Alex started to reply, but Meribah cut her off. "She is correct."

Alex spun on Meribah, eyes blazing. She was about to shout traitor but Razz cut her off this time.

"Guardian Alex's proposal has the support of the Anolis males," he said in a formal tone.

The Anolis female in flowing red robes stepped forward, "She has the support of the non-warrior Anolis females as well. As head healer, I also stand by our demand that my healers can inspect any Anolis male, at any time and I demand to see your harem."

Turning back to the warrior, Alex said, "Shall we continue the insults or should I beat you down now? Or you could work a brain cell or two and surrender."

The warrior sneered and started to answer when Alex rushed her without a sound. The warrior barely deflected Alex's blade but she grunted and took a step backward as Alex slammed into her.

With a thought, Alex's sword became the Vajra-Mushti and Alex jammed the longer wavy blade into the Anolis' gut. She twisted her hand and the blade slashed out so the razor blade could drive deeper into the intestines. The warrior's guts sizzled from the power of the Vajra-Mushti and its red glow.

The Anolis tried to clout Alex's head, but she ducked. The warrior lashed her tail and it crashed on Alex's arms with a thud, and the air rushed from her chest. She grabbed hold of the tail and pulled, leaning back to throw off the Anolis' balance, but the Anolis' legs dug into the ground.

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