CH. 11.1 Precious Gems

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"Where is the Guardian? She needs me and viewing my beauty will restore her soul." Master Metalworker Crota strode through the gate with his usual confidence. heavy leather satchel slung over one shoulder.

Alex recognized the bulging pouches of tools and other contraptions, as well as the ends of hammers and chisels that peeked from its edges. At the sight of him, her face broke into a wide smile and she rushed over to him. "Master Crota! I'm so glad to see you!"

He held out his arms, but not for a hug. Instead he rotated slowly so Alex could appreciate his completely spotted hide with alternating bands of green and black with yellow spots. Two rings of pure black and yellow circled his neck and his head was a leopard pattern brown, with slanted eyes and a downturned mouth.

Alex clapped her hands like an excited child and Master Crota swelled with pride, including the pouch under his neck.

"Gorgeous as ever," Alex said, happy to boost his ego. "I can't wait to see your skill in crafting the new freedom collars I need."

He gestured to the satchel at his side. "I brought the necessary stones—here, take a look." He tugged on a leather pouch, emptying its contents onto the hard ground. Small, smooth stones of varying sizes lay scattered at their feet.

Alex drew her sword and held it over the stones. It glowed and vibrated so that the stones rattled around, but Crota held steady, no fear in his face. With a final pulse of light, Alex's sword reverted to normal, and Crota reached down. He retrieved several rich blue stones and held them up to the light.

"Lapis lazuli," Alex murmured in awe, her eyes widening as she cupped them in her hands.

"They are magnificent!" Crota examined the mottled blue stones. "Amazing; spotted gemstones. I have never seen such a thing. I adore them. They set off my own gorgeous spots."

Alex didn't have the heart to tell them that they were only semi-precious on Earth, then realized they would be precious on this world, the only ones most likely. "Take whatever you want as your fee for the freedom collars. Let me know if you need more. Oh, I have a special request. If you can't do it, I'll ask a leather worker but—"

This time Crota's pouch turned red and puffed in and out. "A leather worker? You insult me."

Alex's tone was soothing. "You don't collaborate with leather workers to attach semi-precious stones to their high-end carrying bags or vests or jackets? They are quite lovely."

Crota stared at her with suspicion and shook his head.

Alex quickly added, "I'm sure you would have thought of it if I hadn't rushed your genius. Forgive me?" Alex clasped her hands and put on her best repentant look.

Crota's pouch turned green and deflated. "Hmm, jeweled bags and vests and jackets. Yes, yes, I will start a new fashion trend with my ingenuity. Now, what is it you wished?"

"One of the males had his eye gouged out. I want you to create a masterpiece to cover the socket."

Crota hissed and spat a yellow glob on the ground, which steamed in a poisonous way. "Anolis warrior females: how I despise them. Yes, yes, of course I will make it. It will be so magnificent that those with two eyes will wish to wear them. Do you have special stones in mind? Or am I to use these?"

Alex's sword rattled in its hilt. Crota rushed to the fence, which was ringed by a layer of stones along its length. Crota sprinted to the fence and frantically grabbed the stones that lined the enclosure. He raced back to Alex, and placed two handfuls of stones on the ground. Alex waved her sword in an arc over the pile, and they closed their eyes against the magical flash. When the light subsided, they opened their eyelids to see an array of gemstones, polished into trilliant, pear, oval, and marquis shapes.

Crota picked up a fist-sized emerald and held it up for all to see. The facets glittered as it caught the light, and a hush filled the air. The Anolis males crowded around for a closer look, their scaly backs pressed against each other as they studied the gem's unusual clarity and cut. Razz stepped forward, extending his hand to receive the precious stone.

Alex asked, "Will this make the males a target for thieves?"

Her words made the Anolis males tense up, their eyes darting around warily. Rile, Cale, Gabe, and Meribah also scanned the area for trouble.

Crota's pouch puffed out. "My apprentices will register each gem. There is nothing like this that our jewelers can cut. Anyone other than an Anolis male wearing or carrying one will be charged with inter-species theft and taken to high court. The sentence is usually hard labor in the mines or quarries for justice. However, may I make items to sell from the lapis lazuli, as you called them? Such beauty that echoes my own should be available to others."

Alex grinned. "Deal. All the lapis lazuli is yours to do with as you wish in payment for making a jeweled eye patch for Kwan and freedom collars for all the Anolis males here."

Razz handed Crota the emerald, who dropped it into his satchel. Crota briefly organized the satchel and closed it.

"I shall leave to start work," he said.

"Don't you want to stay for the party?" Alex asked. She waved over a Gecko with a laden tray. "I'm sure Razz and Lok ordered the best food and drinks."

Crota's gaze dropped to the ground. "I...I am not invited to parties, so I shun them."

Alex leaned forward, placed gentle hands on his shoulders, and said, "You are invited to this one. Just realize that your dazzling appearance is daunting to others, especially the Anolis males, and do not mention it to them. That only makes them more shy and withdraw from you. You know you are the most striking being here, you do not need to announce it or hear that from others. Just relax and enjoy their company."

Crota gazed into her eyes and a small smile appeared on his muzzle. "Yes, the Anolis males have always been very accepting of me. I shall take your advice."

Razz motioned to the Anolis males, who moved forward to surround Crota and began asking questions. He smiled broadly and allowed them to shepherd him to a table with chairs. Servers quickly supplied them with wine and finger foods.

Rile bumped his shoulder gently against Alex. "Clever of you to make that insufferable snob more likeable."

She shrugged and said lightly, "Anyone who helps those poor males deserves happiness. I'm glad to help."

Rile nuzzled her neck. "I help the Anolis males. How about some happiness for me? For us?"

Alex giggled as his serpentine tongue tickled her ear. She reached up to encircle his neck with her arms and kiss him when a commotion sprang up in the street. She immediately drew back and stared at the Draconinae lizard crowd/maybe mob.

"What are the beautiful blue lizards doing?" She strode to the fence and scrutinized them closer.



WHOOPS ! NOW the chapters are in order! Thanks for reading!

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