CH 11.1 Taking Care

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Octavius declared that they were all too depleted to bring the children back to their worlds and timelines. He then vanished to take care of the timelines, promising to return tomorrow. Grange tapped a message on his smart watch. A nurse appeared, pushing a metal cart. It had several clear plastic feeding tubes filled with pureed meat and bowls of freshly chopped fruit and sausage crumbles. The aroma filled the room, causing baby cries and whimpering from the older children as they sat up.

Alex settled on the floor in a corner, arms and lap full of babies, singing softly. Rile started to follow her, but Gabe dragooned him into helping with the older children who could walk. Grange stepped forward without hesitation and offered to help Gabe. Alex raised an eyebrow as she watched them, a small smile on her lips.

Galen claimed a spot next to Alex and pulled his dad down next to him. Daddy Rile nodded, collected a tiny baby swaddled in blankets and a feeding tube, and then hurried back to the room where his sons were recuperating. After a few minutes, he returned for another baby, saying that Caleb had asked for one of the smallest ones to feed.

As Alex's eyelids drooped, Galen hurried to the recovery room. His cousins Caleb and Rafe were propped up against pillows, their faces streaked with fatigue. Caleb smiled wearily at him, his eyes softening as he looked down at the contented infant snuggled in his arms.

Rafe grunted.

"Uncle," Galen said, "Tia is starting to fall asleep. Will you come with me?"

"Why?" Rafe asked. "To tell mom to let your precious Tia stay in control?"

Galen threw him a withering glance. "No. I want Uncle Rile there so that whichever Alex awakens, she'll have a familiar face next to her. Aunt Alex will be happy and reassured to see Uncle Rile when she opens her eyes."

Rafe crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the wall.

Caleb held a sleeping baby in his arms and gently offered it to Galen. "Thanks, Galen. Will you take care of this one for us? Take her back to Mom or Tia so she can heal with their warmth."

Galen smiled and tucked the baby close against his chest, bouncing slightly as he hummed a lullaby until it settled. The tiny squeaks were eventually replaced by deep even breaths.

"Sons, will you be okay?" he asked, gently running his hand over each of their heads. They nodded, letting him know it was alright for him to go. He stood still for a moment longer, gazing down on them with an expression that softened into one of love and pride before he slowly turned and left the room.

Galen and Daddy Rile entered the room together, their footsteps echoing off the white walls. Alex was already drifting off to sleep, her fingertips slipping from the feeding tube. Galen and Daddy Rile snuggled on opposite sides of her. When Rile saw the three of them, his face screwed up in a mixture of anger and confusion. He stopped and stared while Galen tried to look busy by fussing with the blankets around the babies.

Dad Gabe stood up with care to not disturb them. "I'll sit with my nephews tonight in the recovery room." He inclined his head briefly to Rile, who returned the gesture.


Aunt Alex stirred in the morning, her face illuminated by a peaceful smile. She turned to her spouse and beamed at him before gazing down at the sleeping bundles of joy on their laps. Galen carefully inched away from the cozy family moment.

"I wish we could keep them." Alex's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she looked up at Daddy Rile. He chuckled softly and reached out to tousle her hair. "We already had our babies, remember?" he said with a soft smile. "Now we're teaching them how to use their gifts and become Guardians, just like us."

Alex said in a quavering voice, "And they were hurt, badly."

Rile placed a steady hand on Alex's shoulder and spoke with confidence. "Gut wounds are common in Agama and usually survivable. Rafe only had superficial scratches." The calm of his voice was reassuring.

Alex sighed and bit her lip, her hands clenched in worry. "When can I see them?"

"You can see them anytime." Rile brushed his knuckles against her cheek.

"Caleb would make a great healer or priest," she said.

Rile smiled sadly. "He's Rafe's backup. It would be cruel to separate them now. They were meant to stay together."

Alex's shoulders slumped in defeat and she felt tears pricking the corner of her eyes.

Rile cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead lightly. "My life, my love, my heart," he whispered softly. "Preventing them from becoming Guardians would kill them in a different way."

"I guess, but—"

Rile regarded her with an expression that was a mixture of fondness and exasperation. His eyes were already saying 'no' before she finished speaking, but he stayed silent until her words trailed away. Then he spoke in a voice teeming with understanding and love. "Besides, you're a timeline jumping Guardian now. Do you really think you can stay home and raise babies?"

She shook her head and bent low over the babies, watching as they stirred from their slumber. First a whimper here, some peeping there. One of them reached up with its little hands and clawed part way up Alex's shirt. It brought its little muzzle up to meet Alex's nose, and just before she cooed at it, the tiny creature squawked loudly, startling everyone in the room. The other babies began to wail and Alex jiggled and kissed each one tenderly until the cries died down.

Rile chuckled and stretched his long legs to stand. He retrieved two feeding tubes and delivered them to Alex with a smile. In his other arm, he cradled three babies. "Time for our sons to help with the babies," he announced cheerfully. "I'll send Galen and Gabe to you to help."

At that moment, Galen appeared in the doorway, tugging on his dad's arm. His big eyes held a mischievous glint as if daring Rile to disagree.



Should I write about returning the children to the different timelines? Or is the book too long and time to end it?




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