CH 17.2 When One Ambush Isn't Enough

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Meribah's powerful voice replied, "Defense position one!"

Galen joined the Steel Claws as they snapped into a circle formation. They formed an unbroken barrier of claws, swords and spears that glinted in the setting sun.

Alex flew up and noted that the Anolis riders now wore back armor. She remembered how they had once considered it shameful, and she had gleefully exploited the weakness. They had called her many profane names for coward, and she called them all the clean names for idiot. When they complained to the InterSpec Council, the Gilas and Komodo Dragons laughed them out of the meeting, saying if they were too stupid to adapt to new threats, they deserved to die.

The velociraptors charged forward with feral cries, their razor-sharp talons bared, but it was too late—the Steel Claws had readied their spears and halberds just in time. As the two forces clashed, weapon against claw, cries and shouts filled the air.

Unable to blast the velociraptors or their riders, Alex formed a tight ball and lunged at the nearest velociraptor rider. Her goal was to knock her from the saddle as quickly as possible. With every ounce of her strength, Alex rammed into one towering figure, sending them both tumbling to the ground in a cloud of dust.

The Anolis warrior's arm flew out, long claws extended and aimed for Alex's face. She ducked just in time and the sharp talons dug into the dirt. With a quick push of her legs against the ground, she flipped her body over and away from him.

Still on her side, Alex curled and pushed up in a powerful kick. She sent a loud clang reverberating through the chamber when her boot connected with the warrior's armor. Before the warrior could fully react, Alex had already sprung to her feet and drawn her Guardian sword, the blade shimmering. She lunged forward with the weapon, burying it deep into the Anolis' neck.

Just when the velociraptors were about to break through the protective circle of Steel Claws, a portal sparkled into existence. Out poured Gabe, Cale, and Rile, their Guardian swords now transforming into halberds. The velociraptors and their riders screeched in confusion as they glanced around the group, who had formed an even tighter circle.

"Hey handsome!" Alex called out to Rile. "Unknown number of velociraptors. No loyalty to their riders. This is the second ambush they've set for us. Galen is with Meribah and the Steel Claws."

Galen's voice rose through the chaos, sharp and angry. "I didn't need your help, Father. I was fine."

Gabe shouted something, but a heavy thud and a grunt of exertion drowned his angry reply, as though he was driving something into the ground.

Rile spun around, his halberd slicing through the air with a loud whistle. In a blur of motion, he brought it down with a powerful swipe, severing the head of the velociraptor that had been lunging at him. "Save the family squabbles," he warned in a stern voice.

Cale ducked under the swipe of a mounted Anolis warrior's sword. He slammed his halberd handle into the velociraptor's bony forearms as it tried to scissor him with its claws. With a grumble, he spun away from the dinosaur, his weapon whipping around and burying its blade deep in the Anolis rider's side.

Meribah and the Steel Claws, their spirits renewed and with newfound confidence, charged forward into battle, blades flashing in the light. The velociraptor pack regrouped and attacked, Alex firing blasts, Gabe with his halberd and Cale with his. Rile and Galen stood with the Steel Claws and hacked and swung, their halberds a blur.

The velociraptors raised their heads, as if sensing an electric current between them. They lunged forward in a single motion, tearing apart their riders. They disappeared into the thick foliage with impressive speed and agility, as if swallowed up by the shadows.

An icy gust of air swept around them, stirring leaves and branches and bending the smallest trees like a wave. As the Portal Guardian's loud screech echoed through the sky, he descended in a spin that created mini-tornadoes of twigs and bushes as he landed with a ground-shaking thud.

Rile strode quickly towards Alex, wrapping his arm around her waist in a quick, familiar motion. She leaned into him as her lips curved up into a gentle smile, and she let her head rest against his chest.

"Alex, I need your counterpart's help. Galen, you're coming with us." The Portal Guardian's voice was authoritative as he unfurled his majestic sapphire wings. His words hung in the air like a storm.

Rile's fists clenched, and his eyes flashed with disbelief. "What?! I need some time with Alex."

The Portal Guardian leveled a stern, icy gaze at him, the blue of his eye alight in fury. "Children are at stake," the Guardian rumbled. "In the counterpart Alex's timeline, powerful forces have stormed in and snatched away Anolis children – both male and female."

Alex leaned in and gave Rile a soft kiss on the side of his muzzle. "Sorry, sweetie," she said with a sad smile.

Riles' scowl deepened as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Aren't you even going to fight for time together?"

Alex stepped back in surprise, searching Rile's face before turning to the Agama who watched in silence. She ran a hand through her hair in confusion. "What? Are you serious?" She looked between all the Agama and Galen, truly perplexed.

Galen's face filled with sympathy as he looked at Alex before taking a step forward. "I think I know what the Adversary is doing. He seduced my half-sister, Alex, and kidnapped my half-brother, Rax. He drained almost all the life force from Rax in order to age little Alex artificially."

The Portal Guardian turned his head slowly toward Galen. "A great evil is gathering strength on this other timeline. I had not expected a placid timeline to attract such attention from the Adversary."

Alex stepped forward and looked up at him. "Little Alex may have age and power, but she lacks the experience to truly understand what we can do and how to stop us. The same will happen to the other artificially aged girls. We can use that to our advantage."

The Portal Guardian's voice rumbled and echoed. "Your counterpart is strong enough to access your memories of your challenges," he explained. "That will help her gain insight and guidance as she traverses her own journey with her Guardian team."

Alex winced and regret swept across her features. "Well, ouch. I guess I need to be stronger. Rile, I'm sorry, too. Please take care of the injured Anolis male."

She kissed the side of his muzzle again, and while he was stiff at first, eventually he leaned toward her and kissed her tenderly. Then Galen took her hand in his own and guided her within the outstretched wingspan of the Portal Guardian. The surrounding air seemed to shimmer sapphire blue before they vanished.



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