Chapter 1

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im back with some angst! dont worry, i have already prewritten several chapters. i swear i wont leave this baby on hiatus for years *sweating*



As a child Seokjin always dreamt of his very own family. He always day dreamed of a warm, cozy home with big windows and a fireplace. A nice backyard with lots of flowers and maybe even a cat. He always wanted a pet but his parents always said no. When he grew up he was gonna have all the pets he wanted. He was gonna get married, have babies and grow old with his partner, pets and kids. In his warm, cozy home with a happy smile always on his face.

Except that just isn't realistic at all, is it?

"Soobin-ah i need your shoes on now i'm not asking again," Seokjin huffed at the three year old. The small child pouted and stomped his little foot but did as he was told.

"Yeonjun-ah get over here i have to brush your hair," the four year old ran over and obediently sat on the cushion his father placed at his feet. Seokjin brushed his damp hair quickly, placing a small ladybug clip in his hair to keep it out of the little boy's eyes. his phone dinged with a message and he groaned, he was gonna be late.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" the little ones nodded. Soobin no longer pouted, now he was smiling excitedly as he stood by the front door. Yeonjun ran over and quickly placed his jacket on. Seokjin grabbed their backpacks and went down his mental checklist to see if they had everything. Clothes, shoes, books, some medicine just in case... his phone dinged again making him groan louder.

"Okay okay let's go," he put their backpacks on and led them out the door. He triple checked the locks and made his way down the stairs. He made sure to let the little ones jump off the last step, it was now their little ritual, and finally got them into the car. He buckled them in quickly and soon he was driving, speeding, off. The little ones babbled in the back about something that he couldn't quite understand. Seokjin smiled softly as he looked at them through the rearview mirror. Weekends were always hectic but as the kids got older it started to get slightly easier. The drive wasn't too long but he had a tendency to be a little late sometimes. Which was not a good thing in this case.

"I want you boys to behave and don't forget that you can call me whenever you want-" Seokjin went about his usual spiel when he was cut off by Yeonjun.

"We know papa," he giggled, making Soobin giggle loudly too. Seokjin couldn't help but laugh too, rolling his eyes at the little trouble makers.

"Your right, papa is just making sure you remember," he pulled into the park's parking lot. He took a big deep breath and let it out slowly and closed his eyes. He heard the boys start to count to ten, they knew his routine too well now. Over time he unconsciously started the routine in order to calm his racing heart. He doesnt think drop offs would ever get easy. Finally he put on a big smile, that was only half fake, and got out.

By the time he opened their door Yeonjun was already unbuckled and working on Soobin's car seat. Seokjin shooed his hands away so he could do it. Before he got them out he made them pinky promise that they would behave. Not that he really needed to do all that. They were well behaved kids, for the most part. It was just for his own peace of mind. Finally he got them out and grabbed their bags. He made sure to keep a tight grip on their little hands, they were slippery little demons sometimes.

"Appa!" they screamed in unison when Seokjin finally let them run off. Seokjin felt his lips twitch when he noticed two people standing by the black suv he was now used to seeing every weekend. He decided to focus on his little ones instead. They squealed loudly when their dad picked them up.

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