Chapter 3

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im currently very sick thats why i didnt update but i didnt want to leave you all hanging too long!

enjoy and enjoy INDIGO!


"I cant believe that bastard still hasn't changed at all," Jimin angrily sipped at his fountain drink. Taehyung comfortingly rubbed a hand down Seokjin's back. They were all sitting in the sticky booth at Chuck E Cheese. Seokjin made sure to tell his friends about what had happened after his date.

"Jimin, he's your friend, don't talk bad about him," Seokjin tried to soothe him. Jimin was a little firecracker that you could set off in no time. He was incredibly overprotective of the people he cared about. Out of the three friends he was the one to start and finish a fight. It's one of the reasons why they no longer go to bars.

"Um no he's not, he stopped being my friend the minute he hurt you," Jimin could feel himself starting to get heated so he took a few deep breaths to calm down. Taehyung sent him a sweet smile, he always helped him the most when it came to his temper.

"It's ok Jimin, it's all over and done with now," Seokjin tried to calm his friend. He never wanted his friends to choose between him and Namjoon. While he's incredibly grateful that they never left his side he also feels guilty to even think that they did.

"He still pisses me off!" Jimin crushed his cup in his hand, luckily it was empty so there was no mess. Taehyung reached over to grab his hand gently.

"Guys please, i'd rather we not get into this at Chuck E Cheese," Seokjin felt a headache coming on. Soobin and Yeonjun ran up to their booth, everyone instantly put on their fake excited smiles.

"Uncle taetae do I have enough for the stuffed gorilla?!" Yeonjun threw his tickets onto the table, Soobin placed his gently there as well. Taehyung pretended to count the tickets quickly.

"You're missing a few more, here let's go get some more coins bubs," the little ones ran ahead while Taehyung slid out of the booth. He ran a soothing hand across Jimin's shoulders as he made his way to the counter.

Seokjin watched the little ones walk away before turning to Jimin. He was about to speak but Jimin beat him to it.

"I'm sorry for blowing up, I know I should just listen when you're venting but you know when it comes to Namjoon I just get a little angry," Jimin let out a long breath. Seokjin only chuckled and squeezed his friend's hand.

"It's ok mini, I understand where you're coming from. Just please remember that Namjoon is also your friend despite what you tell us and that's perfectly ok," Seokjin reassured. Sure they didn't hang out as much as they used to but Seokjin knows they are still close friends. He'd never want to turn people against Namjoon. Despite their issues he was still the father of his children.

"I just don't know why he's like that, you guys had everything I-" Jimin shakes his head and takes a few deep breaths. Seokjin lets him gather his thoughts.

"I'm just saying if I had a Kim Seokjin in my life who gave me two amazing kids I would never let him go," Jimin sighed wistfully. Seokjin couldn't help but laugh at that.

"What if you had a Kim Taehyung in your life?" Seokjin asked gently.

Jimins cheeks turned pink and he tried to suppress a smile. Lucky for him Taehyung was back so he didn't have to answer. Seokjin and him shared a secret look before encouraging the kids to go play some more.

"Anyways, enough of Namjoon, how has it been going with Wonho?" Taehyung quickly changed the subject.

It had been a few days now since their date. Truthfully Seokjin hadnt put much more thought into Wonho. Not because the date was bad or he was boring or anything. It was simply because the kids take up so much of his time. With work and the kids there just hasn't been much time to sit down and really think about whether he's ready for a relationship or not. He doesn't even know if Wonho wants that. He could be running for the hills right now for all he knows.

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