Chapter 4

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now lets get onto.... the text  



The text was forgotten for a few days. That night Seokjin had spent the whole night recounting his date to his friends. He briefly mentioned the small dispute with Namjoon but his friends didn't seem to care much about that. They encouraged him to continue to see wonho and explore this new relationship. Not once did he feel pressured so Seokjin decided to give it a try. He would refrain from introducing the kids just yet. This was all still new and he didn't want the kids getting attached to someone Seokjin didn't even fully know yet. He would take things one step at a time. He hoped it would blossom into something nice.

It wasn't until Seokjin's lunch break later that week that he received a call from Namjoon. He had just started getting ready to go on his lunch break when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Namjoon? He never called randomly. The only time they really talked was to let eachother know that they were ready for pickups and drop offs. Maybe it was a butt dial. Seokjin watched it ring until it stopped. He was just about to put his phone away when it rang again. He answered as he made his way to the elevators.

"Hello?" he pressed the button to the ground floor.

"Hey! Uh.. hi," Namjoon answered quickly before correcting himself. Seokjin was thoroughly confused.

"Uhh hi?" The line was silent until Seokjin reached his destination. He waved at the receptionists and made his way out of the building.

"Is there... something i can help you with?" Seokjin asked. Despite his generous lunch time he still had a lot of work to do. He was thinking some sushi today, yeah that sounds quick and easy.

"Right! Um i don't know if you got my text the other day," he trails off. Seokjin merely hums in response.

"So I was wondering if you were busy now to talk?" Seokjin couldn't help but silently groan. Looks like his lunch break would be spent doing anything but eating.

"Ok well what is it that you have to say?" he can't help but rush him. It can't be anything too important.

"Actually I wanted it to be in person, i'm close to your work if you wanna meet somewhere?" perfect. Just what he needed. Now Seokjin was getting a little nervous. What could he possibly want to say? Oh god.. Did he want to take the kids away from him? Never. Seokjin would die before that happened. Seokjin would never forgive Namjoon if that's what this was about.

"Meet me at the park," Namjoon knew exactly which one. They hung up and Seokjin sped walked to his destination. It wasn't far and now he was on edge. Thousands of thoughts running through his head. What could this possibly be about? He was starting to sweat with nerves. Please don't take my babies from me, please, Seokjin begged. Namjoon met him soon enough.

"Hey sorry to take up your time. I just didn't have any other time available for this," Namjoon chuckled nervously. Seokjin just wanted him to spit whatever it was out.

"Ok well get on with it please," Seokjin couldn't help but tap his foot nervously. He bit the inside of his lip nervously. Namjoon stared at him for a few moments. Taking in every detail of his with a soft smile. Seokjin was starting to get annoyed when Namjoon suddenly hugged him tightly.

He felt his breath leave him in a gasp. Namjoons strong arms wrapped around his middle brought back some suppressed memories. Memories of them young and in love. He couldn't help but wrap his own arms slowly around Namjoons shoulders causing him to squeeze him more. Seokjin always loved it when Namjoon would squeeze him in a hug, it made him feel safe. He only allowed himself to feel these feelings for a fleeting moment before he was pushing Namjoon off.

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