Chapter 2

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namjoon this whole fic honestly lmao ⬆

picked this upcoming character out of a hat ok lol we shall see if he becomes more important as the story goes along

also this chapter is long for no reason 


Seokjin would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was so incredibly nervous. For so long he had only ever been with Namjoon. They had started dating in highschool. Namjoon was Seokjin's first in everything. Growing up he was an awkward, shy kid. He didn't have many friends, he didn't party or sneak out. He was just kind of there. He did his school work, ate his lunch in the library to avoid the crowded cafeteria and spent his weekends with his parents. Namjoon was the same except he actually had friends he occasionally hung out with. At some point they met and boom, suddenly Seokjin had friends and was being invited out. It was new and refreshing and nerve-racking. Namjoon had changed him in many ways. He coaxed him out of his shell and soon he was off to college and able to make his own friends and go out on his own now. They were able to grow and enjoy their own things while still being in a relationship.

The idea of being with someone new was scary. How was he supposed to act? How do adults date? Is he supposed to kiss him on the first date or.... Have sex? With Namjoon they were both inexperienced teens, it didn't feel as scary experimenting. Now however was a different story, at least for Seokjin. One thing is for sure, Seokjin was not about to have sex on the first date.

He groaned and fell back into bed. It was only 11am and he was already having an existential crisis over a damn dinner date. He tried relaxing but he just couldn't. A blind date with a stranger, what was he thinking?!

Unfortunately he had to be an adult and call Namjoon. After their friend's night it had completely slipped his mind to call him and tell him he'd be watching the kids longer. Jimin and Taehyung had been so excited for his date they had moved the party to his apartment. To be honest it was fun to have them all there. They hadn't had a fun night like that in a while. Since Seokjin had the kids it was hard to have 'fun nights' with his friends. He was extremely happy to have them around like this again. Just drinking and playing board games and singing karaoke. He'd have to apologize to his neighbors later.

Finally he got out of bed and went about his morning routine. He stayed in his room and unplugged his phone. Jimin and Taehyung had stayed the night and were snoring away in the living room. Seokjin smiled to himself, just like old times. He stared at his phone for five minutes just coming up with a script on what to say to Namjoon. It's not like he needed to give him an explanation. Namjoon had a whole girlfriend for Christ sake. That didn't mean he couldn't be nervous. Actually he would just keep the date to himself, Namjoon doesn't need to know. Yeah let's go with that.

It rang two times before he heard a quiet "hello?" Seokjin cleared his throat, hoping it wouldn't sound shaky.

"Hey uh i have something important that came up and i was wondering if..." he trailed off forgetting his script. God why was this so hard. It's like he was asking his parents all over again if he could go to a party or something.

"If?" Namjoon prompted.

"If you could watch the kids a little longer? The latest would be like 7 maybe. I hope you're not busy," Seokjin can't help but bite his nails. He hadn't even thought about the possibility of Namjoon saying no. He wouldn't, would he?

"Oh! Uh yeah I get it. I'm sure the kids won't mind, well maybe Soobin will," he heard Namjoon chuckle and it calmed him down somehow. Seokjin let out a breath.

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