A Dark Revival...

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You thought it was over... you and all of the characters you'd helped free from the clutches of your Grandfather's Buisness partner Joey Drew, had been peacefully living your new lives for the past year, and most of the people of your town were even pretty accepting of everyone.

But just a week prior you'd been aproached by a man from the studio Arch Gate Pictures who wanted to buy the rights of Bendy off of you. But you said no...


News Flash, Bendy and the Dark Revival is finally upon us. And with this new story, I thought, why not delve into this new adventure head first.

So I'm starting this second book and as I watch a youtuber play through the game (because I'm a console user), I'll be Writing this along as well as another story.

Now I hope all of you are as excited as I am for this, and if you have any questions I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

Have a Great Day!


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