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"I have to stay here for some time so, I can't walk with you." Peter shoves his stuff in his backpack.

"Okay." Satine nods. "That's fine. I'm gonna go now, then."


"Kiss me." She quickly orders.

He smiles a bit and she gets what she wanted before walking away with a smile. As she's walking, Flash nods at her with a wave and smirk. She rolls her eyes and turns back around to get a redo from a surprised Peter.

"What was that one for?" He smirks with only a few inches between them.

"Flash was staring." She shrugs. "And I wanted another one anyway."

She pats his cheek and turns back around to smirk at a grimacing Flash, leaving Peter smiling behind her.

"She's cool." Ned comes up behind him.

"I know." He chuckles.

"Out of your league." He shrugs.

"Oh, thanks, Ned." He rolls his eyes, making him smile. "I know."

"Oh, my God."


At around ten o'clock, Lovebite lands on the balcony, out of sight of the others. She easily keeps quiet as she makes her way to the door. A maskless Spiderman looks over and does a doubletake with a smile. The others quickly look over as she waves with her fingers from the doorway. Pietro speeds to her right away and just before he touches the hood, she grabs his wrist, freezing him in place.

"No." She declines with an obvious smile in her American accent.

"How?" He furrows his brows.

She chuckles and lets go of him while Peter just waits with a smile.

"Come." She leaves the room and jumps.

"Peter." Steve calls.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea." He sighs. "She might be more aggressive next time."

"We're sure she's one of the good guys?" Nat nods.

"Yeah, she's just very protective of her identity." He nods. "She's not here to hurt anybody."

"Now, I'm gonna trust that you're right on this one." Tony points. "But, if you're wrong, you gotta handle it."

"Right." He nods. "Yeah, of course."

He puts his mask on and quickly follows her out. He lands on the same roof she did to see her somewhat worried face.

"They didn't like that, did they?" She grabs his hands.

"No, not really." He agrees while taking his mask off, still holding her hand, and she sighs. "They're nervous. It's kinds funny."

"What? No, it's not." She chuckles with a sad smile and he grins with a nod. "Quit."

He chuckles and she shakes him with a groan, making him laugh.

"It's okay." He cups her cheeks. "You'll just have to show who Lovebite is a lot sooner and they'll understand because you're...you, I guess." He shrugs and she chuckles. "I mean, you threatened the Falcon and the Winter Soldier the first time you met them. They think you're pretty cool." He nods sideways and she does the same, making him chuckle.

He pulls her closer by her shoulders and hugs around her neck and she his waist with her head on his chest. He sets his cheek on her head and she sighs to wash away the sudden nervousness she was feeling before while closing her eyes.

"I love hugging you." He sighs and she slowly smiles. "We should do this more often." He suggests and she chuckles.

She lifts her head to look up at him and he slowly leans down to gently press their soft lips together. She slowly lets go of him and hugs his neck instead while he holds her waist close enough to curve into his body.

The sound of struggle in the alley beside them interrupts their fun and they both groan in annoyance.

"Give me a second." She backs up a few inches and he nods with a smile.

She puts her mask back on and flips the hood up before quietly jumping from wall to wall to get to their level.

Peter waits passionately on the roof while listening to a sweet 'hi' frim Lovebite and a single grunt from both men, making him slowly smile. She's back on the roof a few seconds later and looking at them iver the edge while he slowly inches closer.

"They won't be waking up any time soon." She slowly states while taking off her mask.

She turns to him to see that he's also looking over, making her smile. He stands straight up and looks at her.

"What?" He chuckles.

She quickly cups his cheeks and jumps to straddle his waist to smash their lips together. His hands fly to hold her up by her thighs with a surprised laugh, making her laugh too.

"Hey, Lovebite!" Someone yells from down below.

Peter and Satine furrow their brows and he drops her to her feet so she can out her mask on. She looks over the edge and someone waves at her.

"Hi?" She nods in a confused American accent with a smile.

"Hi!" Two police officers wave as Spiderman appears.

"He's here too." One hits the other in excitement and they chuckle.

"Can we get a picture with you guys?!"

Bite chuckles excitedly and uses the windows to scales her way down the building while Spider watches with a smile. He gets down there seconds later and the man quickly gets his camera ready. Spiderman takes the phone and stands in front with the woman second, man third, and Lovebite last. They each put up a peace sign and take the picture before saying their happy goodbyes and the bugs swing away.

"Send that to me." She quickly demands.

"Right, yeah." He nods. "Okay."

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