Info sheet

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Name: (y/n)

species: Norwegian forest black cat

Race: Afro-Latinx


Height: 5'0

Mystic power: dark magic/healing, being a black cat in a witch town can mean two things, being praised for it or being sacrificed. They don't know a lot of spells but their power was unlocked during a fight instead of cool witch powers they got extra hands. They can summon two strong arms behind their back which is good for combat and since they can't feel pain from being hit there they can use those extra arms for a shield as well. In combat, they would wear long spiked brass knuckles that can also appear on their other hands, while her healing power allows them to heal themselves from any physical injury but the downside is that it takes long for them to heal

Info: (y/n) is a black cat and the second oldest in their "family". Being raised on the streets they were often running around the city and stealing for their younger siblings. They don't get along with their older brother with is a result of them having anger issues. They would take their anger out by getting into fights with some kids and pre-teens around the neighborhood. Would often fight with their brother and then leave to blow off steam but would come back for their little brother. Big mama saw potential in (y/n) when they unlocked a mystic power during a fight in a witch town


Name: Jack

species: highland bull

Race: Mexican

Age: 17

Height: 6'1

Mystic power: fire fist, Jack can throw a heated punch with his power. He tries to be careful with his power so he won't set anything on fire but with all the pressure of doing everything perfectly he does lash out in private. He had to make his room fireproof for his outbursts. When he's in full rage his head is on fire. Big mama would use his rage in the battle nexus to gain more views but other than that he's the one in charge of big mama. In combat, he doesn't like getting dirty with his hands so he just carries a gun

Info: Jack is a black and white highland bull. He is the oldest in the group, and often gets into fights with (y/n). He often gets tired of being the "perfect" one, he finds (y/n) to be annoying when he was smaller, and due to (y/n) anger they often fight. He cares about the two youngest siblings since they can't do a lot by themselves. He would treat them nicely but since big mama took them she decided to make him her assistant and one day pass her legacy to him. He doesn't have time with his younger siblings, He would often show off his "high rank" to (y/n) pissing them off. He's not at strong as (y/n) but would often get them in trouble by big mama wich ends with him watching (y/n) taking their anger out in the battle nexus.


Name: Vixen

Species: Dwarf Hotot

Race: korean

Age: 11

Height: 4'6

Mystic power: lightning, Vixen Mystic power allows her to appear and disappear with lightning and or the electricity around her. She can strike someone with it but it's a 50/50 chance it would miss. She uses it to play pranks on staff, when she first unlocked it the whole building lost electricity. In combat, she has a spiked piko piko hammer that helps her hit enemies

Info: second youngest in the group. She was spoiled by Jack when they were little, She knows she is the cutest in the group and uses it to her advantage to get what she wants especially from Jack. She likes the spotlight and would even take someone out to get her way. She would be mad that big mama puts more attention on the oldest two especially (y/n). Vixen and her brother would usually just run around the building finding out secrets of it, she's the bossiest of the group. She wants attention but never gets it so she would usually get in trouble to at least get noticed by someone


Name: Zero

Species: Honduran white bat

Race: Mexican American

Age: 7

Height: 4'0

Mystic power: he has none(yet). Being the youngest and not having powers yet is hard for him but he does distract himself with music. In combat since he's good with hand-to-hand combat he was giving a scythe as his first weapon

Info: being the baby of the group is hard especially when no one listens to you. Zero is the quiet one in the group, he still needs to unlock his power, yokai sees him as weak for not having any powers but it doesn't mean he is the weakest, he's good with hand-to-hand combat thanks to (y/n). He may be quiet but he's a fast thinker, he's also good with his sythe. He's been practicing nonstop hoping to be strong as his older siblings

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