Stowaway [DS!Dream x DS!Blue] {Requested}

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Hehehehe this is the longest fic I've written >:) (as of November 2022)

I've also posted this in my dream/blue book, and on my tumblr!

Enjoy :)

CW/TW: Near death experience, storms, and general mentions of drunkenness and piracy activities.


Dream walked across the length of his ship, The Radiance. The Radiance was a large, intimidating ship that he had liberated from a pirate captain.

It was a dark, rich brown wood, accented with golden metal and two cherubs at the bow and the stern of the boat. It was huge, he could probably fit at least five more people onto it without feeling cramped. It was difficult to find sailors who were willing to go against both piracy and the navy, but those he did find were absolutely incredible.

Dream was an ambitious man, and his eyes were set on a large battalion of ships, all under his order. Fighting for what was right.

All the way from the bow to the stern, he walked, making sure everyone was in order. Finch was at the helm with Dream's dog, Champion, keeping the crew on course.

Ink was up in the crows nest, most likely doing not what she was supposed to be, but Dream couldn't be too mad at her. He wouldn't cast her out either, he was not a pirate. He would never abandon a crew member, despite how irascible they could be. Ink didn't directly work under Dream, however.

She was a bounty hunter that simply decided that she wanted to tag along with Dream and his group. Dream didn't mind, she was incredible at tracking down and stopping those who went against the law. She was nice to have around, even with her apathetic and sarcastic personality.

Today was an odd day.

Although, not as unusual when on the sea. Normally, he'd be the one driving the ship and Finch would be down in the berth, doing his best to read the many maps that Dream had collected over the years.

Dream had yet to find a cartographer, or someone of the sort, to be on his ship and his map reading skills were...minimal. At best. But he and Finch worked with what they had and it hadn't steered them wrong yet.

The mental list he had for all the things he had to do before nighttime was long, and it was a miracle that he remembered to do it all.

He had already completed a few of the things he had to do, which helped ease his anxiety a tad, since it lessened the load he had on his shoulders. For now, at least.

He'd have to do it all again tomorrow, but that was the life of a captain and he accepted full responsibilities for it. He had made sure everything was in working order, sails were catching air, Champion was fed (he usually got the scraps of last night's dinner for his morning meal), and everyone was where they were supposed to be.

He also made sure to take a good look at every member of his crew for signs of sickness. Two people had already been sent to the infirmary on the ship for scurvy and were currently being treated.

Dream mentally cursed himself, how could he let that happen?!

Scurvy was treatable, and there was a likely chance that the members that got sick would survive, but Dream couldn't believe he missed it.

Never again. Dream would make sure of it.

He would never allow another member of his crew to get this sick again. Which is why he went around, taking a good look at everyone. He was looking for flushed cheeks, excessive sweating, signs of fatigue, anything that alluded to his crew being under the weather. Much to his relief, no one seemed sick, he couldn't lose any more sailors.

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