Pinned [Dream/Killer] {Requested}

694 28 10


CW/TW - Suggestive flirting


Blood seeped into the pavement below, dripping from broken noses and wounds given to one another. A menagerie of colors danced along, with the bright, candy-red blood of the mortal teammates both guardians had, to their own golden and purple blood.

The fight had lasted hours now, people were getting sluggish, and sloppy. It had even become the case where Blue, the determined bastard, had begun to stagger. His eyes were heavy, his body wanting nothing more than to collapse into Cross's warm arms. Even though they were sword-fighting for their lives.

Both teams were separated, all around the now-evacuated city. And in the epicenter was Dream, Guardian of Positivity and self-proclaimed leader of the Star Squad, and Killer, Nightmare's right-hand man.

Killer was heaving, sweat dripping down his face, and negative magic dripping out of his eyes. Dream wasn't fairing much better, magically exhausted from the constant healing his body did, and pissed off with how long this battle was taking.

"Why don't you just surrender, huh?!" Dream shouted, panting between words.

"I don't think so, Angel boy."

And with that, Killer lunged. Knife in hand, ready to slice Dream like a hunky piece of meat. Dream seethed through his fanged teeth, getting into a stance to knock Killer away.

Their blades clashed and Dream ended up having more strength behind him, and shoved Killer to his left, knocking him off of his feet.

Killer hit the ground, hard. Landing square on his back, which sent shivers all along his arms and torso. His pupil-less eyes widened as Dream was approaching fast. He leaped up to his feet and scrambled away, which lead him into a nearby alleyway.

It was dark, the air crisp, and despite it behind barely into the evening, the moon was beginning to rise. The streetlights came on as Killer dashed into the alleyway, and Dream's face was cast in a shadow.

Cursed flew out of Killer's mouth as he realized he had gotten himself into a dead-end. He turned around and Dream was barely a few paces away. And before Killer could strike, before he could do anything, Dream grabbed both of his wrists harshly and slammed him into the wall behind.

His knife came crashing down onto the floor as he fumbled. Dream had gotten him trapped. With his two hands being crossed and held above his head, only being held together with one of Dream's made him both helpless and...incredibly flustered.

Usually, he was the one toying with his victims! Brushing his knife against their skin, seeing the goosebumps of fear made his heart race! Oh, how they begged for their lives, begged for his mercy. That was something he and Nightmare had in common, how they loved helpless pleading.

But this? This was a whole new perspective. He was the one who was helpless this time, knife on the ground, arms above his head, Dream keeping him pinned helplessly against the cold brick wall...

Adrenaline was something he was used to, his heart racing with the thrill of the kill. But this? This was different. His heart was slamming in his chest and throat, palms were sweaty. Dream was panting above him, grinding his teeth together.

"Sh-Shit-!" Killer squirmed in Dream's grasp, trying to pull his hands away from the wall. Dream retaliated by slamming his wrists back into the wall. Killer bit down harshly on his lip, stifling a feeble whimper.

"Not so tough are you now, huh?" Dream heaved out. And despite the exhaustion, his sass never faltered. "For someone who talks a lot of shit, you sure do look pathetic right now."

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