Date [Nightmare/Fresh] {Requested}

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"Can I start you for tonight, sir?"

"I am waiting for someone, but a lambrusco would be excellent."

"I will get that for you sir."

"Thank you." Nightmare nodded, watching the waiter walk off.

Blind dates were stupid. Absolutely stupid. Nightmare set the menu down and rubbed his forehead, looking out at the window. He had to be about ninety stories up, he could still see the sun, despite it trying to set on the horizon.

The restaurant's ambiance was nice. It was formal, quiet, and the live music was a great touch. A small orchestra was playing a variety of classical music, and Nightmare quite liked it.

It wasn't the fanciest restaurant he's ever been to, but he didn't expect much from his boys. He also didn't expect himself to agree to a blind date set up by said boys, and yet here he was.

Did he seem sad and pathetic? Is that why they set him up on a date with a stranger? Nightmare didn't feel sad and pathetic, he was the King of Negativity after all, there was no one better than he.

Which is why this blind date idea felt so stupid to him. He could get any man he wanted, and yet his boys decide to set him up with a stranger? How stupid.

...Yet he agreed to it, didn't he? He supposed that the worst thing that could happen is that it's some weirdo, and he just chucks them out the window and treats himself to dinner. The best thing that could happen was that no one showed up and he got to eat by himself.

The quiet of the restaurant was nice compared to what often happened during meal times. There was always a lot of shouting and lack of manners at Nightmare's dinner table.

The waiter returned with his wine, opening the bottle and pouring a glass for him. He didn't allow the waiter to set it back down, as he took it from their hands directly. He thanked them before turning back to the window. He twirled the wine around in the glass for a moment before taking a sip.

Oh, how he absolutely adored red wine. One could call him a wine connoisseur, and he would wear that title with pride. Perhaps it made him seem a bit arrogant, but he didn't care. He was arrogant, might as well pair it with a fine wine.

Another swish of the glass before he took a sip, slowly feeling the alcoholic juice slip down his throat. His teal eyes shut as he did so, allowing himself the satisfaction of taking in no other sensation than the taste of the wine. Lambrusco was really a hidden gem in the wine world.

This particular wine was of great quality. Nightmare could tell. Cheap lambrusco was often very sweet, and this was aged and dry to perfection. He took another sip, his lips curling back into a smile. There was nothing like a good wine on a calm evening.

It was perfect. Even if his date decided to show up right at that moment, he wouldn't even care.

"Yo, Nightmare, brah! I think you're my date for tonight!"

Nightmare could hear the glass of his soul cracking in his mind. His eyes opened into a confused scowl as he looked to his left.

Standing in front of him was that abhorrent, nineties parasite. Standing at a horrific six feet (or two hundred centimeters) was Fresh, and the bastard didn't even try to dress up! Nightmare was horrified. Fresh was in his everyday wear, which was already beginning to hurt his eyes.

He was wearing that stupidly obnoxious blue, purple, and white sweatshirt of his, and the pink shirt underneath and the massive 90s collar. His pants were also a variety of neon colors, and frankly, if it pissed Nightmare off. Pick a color scheme and stick with it goddamnit!

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