Dating [Paperjam/Goth]

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Papergoth is superior and NO ONE ELSE SEES IT

but that's ok...that's why I'm here

this is my first time writing either of them but I hope it's alright :)

anyways enjoy <3

human AU & Paperjam uses they/them in this fic!

CW/TW - Minor Body Horror


"You know, you're kinda cruel Goth."

The sentence came out of nowhere and Goth was startled by it.

Who wouldn't be? They had just been walking in a comfortable silence, not needing to talk. It was just nice to be with each other. The weather was nice too. It was early spring, not too cold, but not sweltering either.

Plants were beginning to bloom and Goth thought it looked like a scene in a slice-of-life anime.

Although he supposed that the person he was walking with disagreed with him. They hung out frequently, and both shared the same dry humor and Goth half wondered if what was said was a joke.

"W-What?" Goth sputtered with a light chuckle, unsure of what Paperjam had meant. Paperjam was always dry and cold, only ever showing their anger and annoyance. They smiled occasionally, usually when Goth made some sort of dark joke.

So when Goth looked over to try and get a sense of what Paperjam was feeling, he got nothing. Their multi-colored eyes were looking away, taking in the scenery of the park the pair were walking in. Goth had to admit that he loved looking at Paperjam, they had such a spunky and unique style that just captivated the eyes.

Today, their outfit was relatively simple, it being a little chilly and all. Goth liked it though, it made the eye-makeup they were wearing pop. Paperjam was cool, and Goth considered himself lucky to be their friend.

"You can be real cruel with the hearts of men, Goth." They replied, as if that would help ease any of Goth's confusion.

"What are you, um, talking about?" Goth swallowed hard before whispering, "Are you mad at me?"

"Mad at you?" Paperjam laughed, it was dry, although it was what Goth was used to, "Nah. Not really. I just think it's funny. Especially how you're blissfully unaware of what you're doing."

This was weird and Goth was very lost.

The hearts of men? Surely Paperjam was talking about themself, but Goth wasn't cruel with anyone's heart!

At least, not intentionally?

He racked his brain, trying to find something, anything, that made this make sense. Of course, Paperjam's face gave nothing away. Their expression could be considered stoic.

Although Goth knew that they had a resting bitch face, if you will. Goth took relief in knowing that they weren't mad at him, that was what he was mostly worried about.

"Unaware of what! PJ, I don't know what you're talking about. Honest."

"I figured." Paperjam shifted in their blue jacket, taking their hands out of their pockets to cross their arms. With that posture, they looked even more upset than before.

Though, they did walk a bit faster than before. Goth had to quicken his own pace to catch up. If their face was in a scowl, then even Goth would be unable to tell. Their face was neutral.

Or, as neutral as Paperjam could get. They were perpetually salty, much like both of their dads. "You couldn't lie to save your life, Gothy."

"Then could you tell me what's up? I don't mean to be cruel..." Goth hushed his voice to a whisper, hands fidgeting nervously. "Especially not to you!"

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