part 2. A Day Off With My BFF

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Naruto had finally got a day off after a straight week of work. Kakashi was off on a mission so he spent the day with shikamaru. "Hey shika come chill at my place. I'm lonely." Naruto said over the phone. Shikamaru was happy to hear naruto say that but he wasn't gonna show it.

"Ah what a drag. I guess." He said with his usual deflated tone. Naruto's mood swings were getting a little easier to handle but not completely. Like he was surprised naruto even wanted to see him, considering that naruto threw a kunai at shikamaru's head yesterday because he suggested to move the couch over in the office. He was slowly but surely getting use to it. He got to naruto and kakashi's apartment and knocked. He didn't hear an answer at first. Then he heard naruto yell.

"FUCKING COCK WHORE." Then he heard a loud bang. So shikamaru burst in.

"NARUTO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" He panic yelled trying to find him. He made it to the kitchen and found naruto at the kitchen sink washing his hands. He looked across the room and saw cupcakes all over the floor with the cupcake pan with them. He then looked back at naruto that was still cleaning his hands with a straight face. "Naru what happened here?" He asked cautiously.

"Oh nothing. Those whores cupcakes just burnt my hand a little. But they can burn in hell so its ok." He said while turning off the water.

"But why were you making cupcakes naru?" He asked concerned.

"Well shika cuz I was fucking happy and I wanted us to have some fucking cupcakes." He snapped at him leaning on the counter facing shikamaru. Shikamaru didn't know what to say. He knew it was a sensitive subject at this moment. So he decided to switch the conversation.

"Hey naru wanna cloud watch like we use to? Your backyard is perfect for it." Naruto's face lit up.

"I would love to. Let's go." He said with a smile as he grabbed shikamaru's arm and pulled him to the back door. They both found a lovely spot in the back yard. "Perfect." Naruto said in his happy voice.

"Your right naru it is." Shikamaru couldn't help himself. He just kept smiling. When he laid down he realized something. He realized the sky looked exactly the same way that it did that first day he met his little blonde angel. He looked up and felt like it was a sign or something. He felt stupid for even thinking that. But why else would the perfect opportunity arise to where it is exactly like that first day. He sat up and looked at naruto. "Hey naru do you remember the first day you spoke to me?" Naruto nodded his head. Shikamaru spoke again. "Then you told me a secret. One that I couldn't tell anyone. Well just like that day exactly like this one. Now I got a secret I gotta tell you." He took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he was about to finally say what he needed. "Naru since we were kids having sleep overs I realized-"

"Hey naruto. Hey shikamaru." Kiba said from outside the chain fence naruto had around the back yard. "You guys wanna come hang out. Maybe get some food." 'Kiba you little asshole.' Shikamaru thought to himself.

"No kiba maybe some other time its been a while since I've hanged with shika so I wanna spend some time with him." Naruto said with a smile. Shikamaru was surprised naruto never turned away their friends. He was really happy though. It filled him with warmth.

"Ok just let us know if you change your mind." Kiba told them as akamaru gave a bark. Naruto turned back to shikamaru.

"Ok what were you saying shika. Whatever you have to tell me is gonna be more important then that right now." Naruto said with a giggle. Shikamaru took a deep breath again.

"I've loved you since we were kids." Shikamaru said. Naruto was in shock. "I don't know how it happened it just did. But I saw that kakashi was the one you wanted and needed so I backed off for you 2 to be tog-" shikamaru was cut off by naruto kissing him. At first he was confused but just let it happen. When naruto pulled away he put his head down. Shikamaru spoke up. "Naru what was that what about kakashi?"

"I love kakashi and I know that. Maybe its the hormones that made me do that. I'm not sure this is all still new to me. But I have always felt something for you but I thought it was just cuz you were my best friend. Even though it was very close to how I felt about kakashi. But you always treated me like your friend so that's what I thought we were ever gonna be." Naruto finished. Shikamaru was in shock. He didn't know what to think.

"Ok naru while my mind tries to process this can we talk about something else maybe?" Shikamaru asked. Naruto giggled and nodded his head. "Ok so have you told kakashi about that little..... issue?" Shikamaru asked while pointing to naruto's belly. Naruto got sad and shook his head, as he put his hands on his stomach.

"I keep wanting to but then I get scared. And I'm starting to get bigger I can't hid it forever. And they are growing faster then I thought." Naruto lifted his baggy shirt to show he already had a decent sized baby bump. As he put his shirt down he continued. "And I think kakashi is starting to get suspicious cuz my mood swings have not been the best. By the way I wanna go to granny tsunade to see if this is normal. Will you come with me?" Naruto looked at shikamaru with sad eyes. It broke shikamaru's heart to see him like that. He could tell that naruto was still that little timid blonde boy he met all those years ago. He could tell that he was truly lost and didn't know what to do. And as the duty of a best friend he was gonna help him.

"Of course naru I will help you with whatever you need." Shikamaru told him with a smile as he helped him up off the ground.

Hey guys I know its been awhile and I'm so sorry for that. So much has been happening. I'm gonna try to get more out fast. I'm so sorry. Forgive me please🙏 i love you guys so much.❤ goodbye for now my lovelies I will see you soon. I promise.

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