part 6. what does he want?

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Its been weeks now and naruto has decided that he needs the men he loves to be closer. The closer they get the less guilty he can feel about him and shikamaru messing around. Besides they all love and take care of the kids so all of them should be close. Naruto woke up and found kakashi on the couch reading his dirty books, and shikamaru leaning on the counter with a cup of coffee. 'Dam they can't even speak to each other when they're the only ones awake?" Naruto thought to himself. Naruto stood between the kitchen and living room so both the boys can hear him. "I've made a decision." He said grabbing both boys attention. "Today Yamato will help me take the kids to the park. And you boys will stay here and spend some time together." He finished.

"What?" Both of them said. They didn't want to do this at all.

"Yes and I want a full report of the day when I get back. And I will know if you guys are lying. Kakashi you can't hide shit. And shika thinks its to troublesome." Naruto said as he went to call Yamato. He got him and the babies ready to have a fun day at the park. By the time Yamato got there the kids where ready in the strollers. "Ugh Ryuu why won't you stop crying?" Naruto said getting upset.

"Babe its because you put him with kakashi. He needs to be seated with Hikari. Ryuu is very picky about everything. How he's held. Who holds him. Who he sits with. He's very picky unlike the others." Kakashi said while switching Ryuu with Naruko. Naruto felt like an idiot not knowing that.

"See this is why I need a day with the kids and you guys need a day together. So I can know the kids better and you guys can get to know each other better." Naruto said as him and Yamato both took a stroller. As they left shikamaru and kakashi just looked at each other.

"Well what now?" Shikamaru asked. Kakashi just shrugged.

Naruto and Yamato got to the park with the kids. All of them where asleep by now. Naruto just sighed he wanted them to have some fun. As much fun as babies could have. "I bought a blanket lets find a nice place to sit." Yamato said.

"Why'd you bring a blanket. There are benches to sit on?" Naruto was confused.

"For belly time of course." Yamato chuckled. "The babies can't do much. But belly time and eating." Yamato chuckled again. Naruto felt like dying. He knew nothing about this stuff but he was their father. Him and Yamato was sitting in the grass talking about the kids and then kiba saw them.

"Hey naruto what's happening?" Kiba yelled over while waving. Naruto was waving back. Kiba came over. "Hey naruto. Who's kids? And why do they look a lot like you and kakashi mixed?" Kiba asked. Naruto just realized he had no time to tell anyone that don't live with them about the kids other then sasuke and Yamato.

"Well its kinda because they are mine and kakashi's. Kakashi is always working full time so I gave him some time off while Yamato helps me. Sorry I haven't had the time to tell anyone." Naruto said. Kiba was lost he was wondering how. So he asked. So naruto told him everything on how it happened with kurama inside him. Now kiba was unable to get the image of naruto being a bottom out of his head. Naruto suddenly heard one of the babies start to giggle. He looked over to see Akamaru licking Naruko.

"Akamaru stop that." Kiba said Akamaru sat back down waiting for either them to leave or for the ok to play with the babies again.

" Kiba said Akamaru sat back down waiting for either them to leave or for the ok to play with the babies again

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"Sorry about that naruto." Kiba apologized.

"No its alright. It seemed like the kids were having fun." Naruto laughed. All the kids were awake now so they took them out the stroller and let them play with Akamaru. As naruto let kiba know all their names so he could play with them too.

Back at the house kakashi and shikamaru were sitting on the couch. "I really don't know what he wants us to do." Shikamaru said.

"Probably wants us to talk. To get to know each other better." Kakashi said. Shikamaru shrugged.

"What a drag." He said. Kakashi let out a little laugh. "What?" Shikamaru asked.

"Your lazy attitude is amusing sometimes. So how have you been feeling? I know you weren't so good a while ago. I hope you didn't forget what I told you." Kakashi said looking at shikamaru that was laying down on the couch.

"What thing that you told me?" Shikamaru asked.

"Do I really need to remind you about that day." Kakashi said as he walked up to the couch. He learned close to shikamaru and grabbed his chin. "Like I said me and naruto are always here to talk to. Do you understand me?" Kakashi said while looking shikamaru in the eyes. Shikamaru started getting lost in kakashi's eyes. All he could do was nod. He opened his mouth trying to speak but nothing came out. Kakashi started to smirk. He straddled shikamaru and kissed him. Shikamaru was surprised at first but he just gave in. Kakashi demanded entrance with his tongue. Shikamaru let him in, and they started to fight for dominance. Shikamaru started to want things to go farther to see who had more dominance. Kakashi pulled away just a little. "Naruto's gonna be home soon. We should get ready for him." Kakashi whispered against shikamaru's lips as he sat up. Something in shikamaru started feel sad at the loss of kakashi's warmth. He just wanted to feel it. Kakashi sat down on the couch, and without thinking shikamaru moved to put his head on kakashi's lap. He laid there until he fell asleep. As he started to drift to sleep, He started to wonder what this was. 'I can't fall for kakashi. I just can't. Or maybe that would make everything easier.' Shikamaru thought to himself right before sleep took him over.

Hey my lovelies I'm here again. I'm starting a naruto one shot book. Its just a book for when I have ideas. Look at my conversation part of my page to know more. Love you guys. ❤ byyyyyyeeee 😘

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