part 3. what to tell him?

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Shikamaru and naruto made their way to the hospital where lady tsunade was waiting for them. "Hey naruto. What's wrong? is everything ok?" Tsunade asked him a little concerned.

"Hey can we talk inside?" Naruto asked her. She moved aside so they could go in. She bought them into the ultrasound room and asked what's going on. "Well I was concerned cuz I'm Getting really big fast." Naruto said to tsunade.

"Well naruto you also gotta remember you have 4 pups in there." She told him. He took off his shirt and looked at her. "Well I see what you mean now. Let's take a look." Naruto laid down for her to start. As she was looking she saw they where growing incredibly fast. "Naruto your right they are growing fast. Have you talked to the nine tails lately?" She asked.

"No they're always sleeping. Like more then normal." Naruto answered her.

"Well carrying 4 pups that are growing this fast will do that. I'd find a time to talk to them to see if this is normal. Until then I want you in here every week for a check up. Ok? And when is kakashi gonna be here with you? I know that he's the father." She asked naruto.

"I haven't been able to tell him yet. I'm scared and its only been a couple of weeks anyway." He told her.

"Well your gonna have to tell him soon. Now go get some rest. See you next week" she said. Naruto and shikamaru started making their way back to naruto's place. Shikamaru went to say goodbye and leave, but naruto stopped him.

"Shika can you please stay with me until kakashi gets back. I need help. I can barely get out of bed by myself." Shikamaru smiled at him and agreed.

          ---------- morning-------------

Shikamaru was sleeping on the couch as his alarm went off. He got up and was getting ready to deal with a pregnant naruto not wanting to get up. After he got ready he made his way into the bedroom. "Naruto let's go time to get up." He said. Naruto just groaned and rolled over. shikamaru was not in the mood for his shit today. He ripped his covers off him and yelled. "GET UP NOW IM NOT IN THE MOOD." Naruto just looked at him pissed. He put out his hand for naruto to take and get up. So he helped naruto to get up and ready trying to find a baggy shirt so no one could tell naruto was pregnant. Until he sat down that is but then he could hide it with his desk......kinda. They got to the tower and started to look through the missions. Naruto saw that sasuke was due back today.

"Shika. Um sasuke is due back today and I don't know how I'm gonna explain this to him." Naruto said gesturing towards his stomach.

"Why do you care what he has to say?" Shikamaru asked confused.

"Because shika he's my best friend besides you. And you know how he is." Naruto told him.

"Just tell him as you said he's your best friend other than me. If that's true he's gonna support you and be there for you." Shikamaru told him. Naruto knew he was right. He just had to take some deep breaths.

Sasuke finally got back and came right in. "Hey sasuke. How was your trip." Naruto asked. Sasuke just Shrugged then took another look at naruto.

"Naruto why does it seem like your glowing." Sasuke asked.

"Fuck off." Naruto said not meaning to.

"NARUTO" The nara scolded him.

"Sorry that wasn't necessary." Naruto said. Sasuke was taken back by naruto's behavior. He looked at the cork board and saw the 2 ultrasound pictures from yesterday and a couple of weeks ago.

"Hey naruto who's pregnant?" Sasuke asked pointing at the pictures. Naruto sighed. He knew this was coming.

"Shika can you help me up?" Naruto asked shikamaru. He came right over and once naruto got up he opened his hokage cloak. So sasuke could see his baby bump. Since the shirt wasn't baggy enough to hide it. Sasuke stood there for a moment before speaking.

"So is it his or kakashi's baby." Sasuke asked pointing at shikamaru. Naruto looked at him confused.

"What the hell?" Naruto said. "Its kakashi's the fuck." He continued.

"Oh come on naruto. You gonna say you don't know shikamaru has feelings for you." Sasuke said to him.

"Well now I do."

"Ok well congratulations. And no I don't care how it happened. The simple fact is that it happened and I'm happy for you." Sasuke told naruto. Naruto smiled at sasuke before hugging him. Sasuke decided to stay around for the day to make sure naruto was ok. When night came sasuke asked if he needed help knowing kakashi was on a mission.

"Shika has been helping me at home until kakashi got back. Thank you though. I'll see you tomorrow." Naruto told him so he went home. Naruto and shikamaru was resting on the couch. "You know I'm gonna have to tell him tomorrow. Cuz he's gonna come home and see you on the couch." Naruto slightly chuckled.

"Its ok I'll be by your side every step of the way." He told naruto.

It was the middle of the night. And kakashi got home and saw shikamaru on the couch and was confused. Then all of a sudden naruto yelled. "SHIKA I NEED YOU." Shikamaru sprinted up he saw kakashi but ignored him knowing naruto needed him. Kakashi followed right behind.

"Naru what's wrong?" Shikamaru asked.

"I don't know I need to see tsunade now." He said in extreme pain. Shikamaru picked naruto up as he saw kakashi.

"You guys can talk later come on." Shikamaru said. As he carried naruto to the hospital to see tsunade.

Hey guys I'm here I didn't get this out as soon as I wanted but it was quicker then the last one. But here you go. See you guys again soon. Love you all. Byeeeeeee

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