Part 3 - As the plan commences

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TW: There will be a blood scene/gore scene and murdering I will put a '♤' as a warning saying its coming. Ty enjoy<3

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The next day - Kamiyama

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Third person pov: Tsukasa was heading through the hallways like all days to meet Rui and Nene in the usual place. He couldn't wait to start his plan on getting rid of the girl he was practically going crazy over it inside but he managed to hide it and keep it to himself. Unfortunately, when he got to the usual area that the 3 meet, the girl who asked out Rui was there and Tsukasa wasn't very pleased.

(Tsukasa, Nene, Rui, Random Girl)

"Ah, Tsukasa-kun! Hi!"

"Hey Tsukasa.."

"Uhm, hi."

"Hehehe~ It's so nice to see you Rui!"

"So Kamishiro-san at the end of school we can walk to the theater together and watch the play okay right?"

"Uh yeah."

"Ok great! I'll see you then Kamishiro-san! Bye!"


Tsukasa's pov: I looked at the girl before she left and she had gave me a dirty look.. hmph what an asshole.. and the audacity she has to ask out Rui is just so..

"Tsukasa-kun are you ok? You look upset about something."

"W-wha me!? No I'm fine Rui!"

"Tsk. Maybe it's that girl that you can't stop thinking about because she asked out Rui-"


"Ugh I'm tired of you guys being so dense and stupid I'm leaving.."

"U-uh bye I guess?"

Nene started to leave, just making it me and Rui left.

"Hey Tsukasa-kun?"


"What was that thing you were going to ask on the call like 2 days ago?"

"Oh uhm-"

What do I tell him? I want to tell him I love him so badly but I can't because already now going on a date (that I am going to crash) and what if he rejects me? All of wondershow would be ruined if something like that were to happen but I say none of this.

"Oh It wasn't important, I was just going to ask if you wanted to hang out with me after school on Thursday at the time but your now going out with the girl so-"

"Oh I'm sorry Tsukasa-kun I didn't know! If I did I definitely would of but I can't anymore so maybe tomorrow?"

"Ok tomorrow works fanatic, I'll meet up with you after school on Friday!"

"Ok then Tsukasa-kun! Classes are about to start soon so you might want to get your stuff."

"O-oh your right! Thank you Rui, see you!"

"See you Tsukasa-kun!"

God Rui was just too goddamn pretty I can't stop looking at him, but I have to stay on track with the plan.. at around lunch I'll put a note on the girls locker saying to come to 1-D, the classroom no one used so I can kill then trap her there. I'll need to make sure Rui stays out of it so we can go to the rooftop for lunch instead just so she doesn't see him. I've basically memorized Rui's hand writing so that won't be hard, just need to get rid of her. I have my knife prepared as well, sharpened to make sure it will be the big bang of her death.

Blood on my hands, just for you♡ - Tsukasa Yandere AU - Ruikasa [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now