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YEAR           298
AERION          ⚔︎

It was getting colder.

Hints to the end of the long summer were strewn across the lands of Winterfell, falling right into the grasp of one Aerion Targaryen. Last of his name, of course. The Northern Kingdom had been his home for as long as he could remember, barely being able to recall the early years he spent in Kings Landing before he was fostered off and forgotten. Though he lived as a Northerner, no one would ever let him forget the name he carried. Targaryen. Second-born son to the Mad King. Brother to the infamous Rhaegar.

To say the least, Aerion was well known throughout the seven kingdoms. As far as they knew, he was the last Targaryen left alive. He had no kin. No one to lean on, no dynasty or succession to be responsible of. Most of Westeros believed he was left alive as some form of punishment. As if it was The Usurpers way of saying, 'This is your way of life for the rest of your days. You listen, or meet the Kings justice.'

Some thought King Robert was showing a sign of weakness for his old friend, Lord Eddard Stark. The same man who just so happened to grow up right alongside Aerion.

The late Rickard Stark (previous Warden of the North) agreed to foster the Targaryen boy during the child's third year of life. There was a deal brokered. When his father the Mad King sealed that deal, Aerion wondered if he ever knew what he was signing away. But when the time came for the King to retrieve his son from the North, Aerys Targaryens mind had already begun to wither and fade. He believed his son to be tainted. No longer of Old Valyrian blood, no longer welcome to the Targaryen name.

It was Robert Baratheon that changed that. After the rebellion and near extinction of the silver haired dragons, it was clear that he would forever hold resentment when it came to Aerion. Rhaegars little brother. The man who kidnapped Lyanna Stark and ripped her from her innocence. For this, King Robert forced Aerion to return to his name. So that everyone would forever know what kind of man he was.

After the slaughter of everyone connected to the family that ruled the seven kingdoms for decades upon decades, Robert finally sat upon that Iron Throne... and he banished the Targaryen boy from ever stepping foot into Kings Landing.

He allowed him to live solely because he promised his shield to Ned Stark, swearing to solemnly protect and serve the Lord of Winterfell. To die for him, if need be. His purpose was to keep the Kings one true and honorable friend alive.

Fall of The Damned, Game of ThronesWhere stories live. Discover now