Chapter III - The deliberations of the Government of God in the Zwicky Galaxy

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                       God, considering the current state of the Earth, armed conflicts, people's illnesses, their concerns and desires on Planet Earth, convened a meeting of His government on Planet Plain.The meeting was attended by 10000 people, Humans and Angels, who debated the current state of affairs, the crisis stages of people's lives, weaknesses in the Earth's energy, pollution both ordinary earthly, related to emissions, power plants, industrial plants, as well as pollution related to the dirty energy of the Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy, related to the presence of Trochites and Phasites invisibly on Earth. The Council of Sages assisting God has been raising the issue of these bloodthirsty species as a priority for the last three meetings, to deal with this serious problem at last, but God has some concerns, due to the fact that their ability to entangle people in various energy dirt and earthly and spiritual problems is so great that it is necessary to act on these issues with great caution, because any hasty action could cause serious damage to the Soul of Man and his eternal life. Yes, the Trochites and Phasites are already so perfected in evil that they even threaten to damage the eternal life that God has promised to people. Archangels raise that it would be necessary, however, to act more dynamically, with greater responsiveness, to the current problems, because even if the overall process of raising the Earth to the Heavenly level is slow, it is necessary to react nimbly on an ongoing basis to the current changes introduced especially by the Trochites, which can be very surprising and incalculable in an evil sense. These changes caused many Souls to say goodbye to life against their will, or to experience the torments of Hell prepared precisely by the Trochites and Fasites, from which it was very difficult to free themselves. This caused the Lord God to change the approach to current problems during the deliberations, to that proposed by the Council of Sages and Archangels. The Homo Celestius people participating in the deliberations also agreed with the Council of Sages and Archangels that it would be necessary to speed up matters of repairing the world and speed up the liberation of Earth People from bloodthirsty invaders. God delegates a larger group of Archangels, Angels and Human volunteers and Constructors to help Andrew and Anne , so that they can act with their heavenly spiritual powers on Earth to clean up and chase away the Trochites and Fasites more carefully. Meanwhile, Andrew's family takes care of their daughters so that they do not feel the absence of their parents.Construction work throughout the Galaxy and other Celestial Galaxies has been halted, so that the hosts of Angels and Humans could devote themselves entirely to the affairs of Earth. This was the result of the deliberations. It was provisionally decided that on the planets of the Trochites and Fasites, God would start a regular war with the help of a formed army of all volunteers, but so that no beings, especially Divine Beings, would suffer. Andrew was to stay on Earth and support, with a group of Angels and Humans, people in distress, bring hope, happiness, joy, the graces of Heaven, the gifts of knowledge. 

                          For Andrew, the outcome of the deliberations was great news, as for years he had been preparing for war with the demonic Trochites and Fasites. Andrew recalls that they were behind the First and Second World Wars. At that time there was much more demonism on Earth. The actions of our demonic enemies resulted in tremendous drama during World War II, prolonging to a skyrocketing 5 years and the drama of millions of people. They say that Hitler was possessed, Andrew just says that by these two alien nations, they have such demonic technologies that they were able to block God and millions existence in an ecosystem even much worse than hell and prolong human dramas to terrible proportions. On Earth, it has been said for years that the situation of war should not be allowed to happen again, but the war is happening again in Ukraine, such devious and evil nations as I described are nowhere on Earth. They also cooperate with other aliens with evil intentions. Their galaxy and planets are significantly distant from Earth, and if any Earthlings went there, they would immediately become depressed, so dense and unpleasant is the atmosphere of the Planets there. These Planets are closed, separated from other Galaxies and Planets, no one good practically has access there, except as a hostage. On Earth, these demonic nations are able to trap People in illnesses, severe depressions, entangle them in obscure life situations, cause mental crises, debts, awkwardness, so that there is no hope. Fortunately, People have developed a number of procedures to help in such situations, through the health service, psychologists, psychotherapy, foundations to help. Many people notice that something is wrong, however, there are many voices that some unknown aliens or known Gadoids are behind this.

                          Andrew formulates that behind all the tragedies on Earth and in other lower Galaxies are these two aforementioned alien nations. Various unexplained healings are also known on Earth - it is the God from his headquarters of the Zwicky Galaxy, together with angels and homo celestius humans, who perform these healings. I have at my disposal really powerful technologies and powerful Divine medicine, so there is improvement even in hard-promising cases. However, in some cases God decides to take the Soul already to Heaven, but that it must depart from the Earth in such a way that it dies. However, it was raised at the deliberations that it is time for a change and the process of transporting People to Heaven should be changed to a more viable one. The people of Zwicky have at their disposal super-fast celestial spacecraft with which they could transport those willing to go to the Celestial Galaxies, be it Plain or to another Planet rescuing from the misery prevailing on Earth. You will ask why this did not happen earlier? The process of experience on our Planet is coming to an end, many people are already weary of what this Planet offers, they are looking for other ways of development than those available on Earth. Many would like to know what Heaven is like, many would like to be Heaven already, but due to evil forces on Earth, so far this has been impossible, because Earth was a kind of prison organized by demonic aliens, this caused no one to even think about another planet, or only a few thought. A lot of science - fiction literature was created in response to people's search for other places to live and function. Other worlds, on other Planets, this has always fascinated people. God, along with his entourage, is aware of this, so this book is a response to the need in difficult times, it can be treated as therapy, as a break from the constant flow of everyday life.

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