Chapter X - Rozalia

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Rozaliawas very happy that the whole family will now take care of her fortwo weeks. Suzanne, Colton, and Patrick had just spent their secondday at Rozalia's house, Colton cleaned her apartment, and Patrick andSuzanne talked to her about the future and her future job. Rozaliawasn't sure yet, but she wanted to continue in marketing. She had notyet started looking for a job, giving herself another two weeks ofrest, due also to the fact that her family had decided to visit herevery day. In the Zwicky Galaxy, there was great joy among Rozalia'sAngel family insiders at the occasion of the family reunion. Rozaliaalso decided in the meantime that she would start going to Church,because now more than ever she needed God's help and protection. Shehad not paid so much attention to this before, so now it was time tosort out some matters of faith, Rozalia wanted to convert.

Suzanneand Patrick were worried about their daughter, but they knew that shewas a good worker and had completed a good degree, and if thedepression did not return, Rozalia would be able to continue hercareer. Both of them were not particularly religious, they did not goto church, as if they were a bit sidelined, but they believed thatGod existed.

-Rozalia, what would you say if we went to a cafe and a movietomorrow, there is a nice movie playing in the theater. - Suzanneasked.

-That's a good idea, at least I will move from home," Rozaliareplied.

-And what is the film? - Rozalia asked.

-It is titled Yang and tells the story of a robot who took care of thedaughter of a family, science fiction," Suzanne replied.

-This could be an interesting work," Patrick replied.

-Colton would also come with us," Suzanne added.

-Okay, I'll look on the Internet to see what the film is, but I thinkit might be interesting," Rozalia added.

-Colton, what do you think about going to the cinema tomorrow to seethe movie Yang, which is about a robot taking care of a family'sdaughter, it could be an interesting item," Patrick askedColton.

-Extra, it's been a long time since I've been to the cinema, and itlooks like you picked a good movie," replied Colton.

-Well in that case tomorrow at 13:00 we meet here, the screening is at14:00, then we can go to the cafe to eat a good cake. - Suzanneadded.

-Good, I also have not been to the cinema for a long time, it will bea good opportunity to integrate :) - replied Rozalia.

-And tell me, just in terms of looking for a job, will you be lookingfor it online? - Suzanne asked.

-Because if that's the case, I might also look around, maybe I'll findsomething interesting for you Rozalia," Suzanne replied.

-Yes, I will look only on the Internet," added Rozalia.

-I've already seen a couple of offers I'm interested in, also I thinkI'll have a lot to choose from, however, if you see somethinginteresting let me know. I'm only looking at our city. I don't wantto commute somewhere further. - replied Rozalia.

-I hope you can find a good job where there is not so much emphasis onresults," Patrick replied.

-I hope so too," Rozalia replied and smiled.

-We're going to get going, Colton are you ready to go? - Suzanneasked.

-Yes Mom, I've already cleaned up Rozalia's apartment. There's nothinglike a decent cleaning. - replied Colton.

-We're the ones who are leaving, I still have some things to take careof at home. - Suzanne added to Rozalia.

-Well, then we are arranged, I can't wait, I think this alienation anddepression are passing me by because I am very much looking forwardto going out. - replied Rozalia.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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