Chapter 33

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I looked at the sword in my hand. With my current abilities, I wouldn’t even be able to beat the weakest of them. I looked left and right and, fortunately, found a crossbow not too far away from me. My heart skipped a beat. I quietly moved over and picked it up.

The ongoing fight was as loud and rambunctious as a band of drums. Just as I had picked up the crossbow, a black shadow fell over my back. My heart seized up. I immediately turned around, and without thinking, shot an arrow at the person behind me. Because we were so close, it naturally struck a bullseye...right in his crotch. Behind the black of his cloth mask, I could see his eyes widening. His knees trembled as he screamed. It seemed like I had no time to be tired now.

He dropped to the ground, covering his groin area. It was clearly a move done out of desperation, but part of me still felt it had some insidious intent, trying to appeal to my better nature. On purpose or not, I still fell for it and busily apologized to him, but the person lying on the ground didn’t move anymore. The air was silent for a moment, then a woman’s voice shouted: “Capture her! She is Qi Country’s Princess Qingling!”

I turned and looked. It was the small leader of the group. He...was actually a she. And her voice was rather familiar... The realization came to me after a moment of thought. “Xinyun!”

I didn’t have time to savor the feeling of my ingenuity as a sharp pain hit the back of my neck. Dizzy, my eyes began to slide shut. This was bad, I thought. I was really going to have to kiss Yanwang this time!

Would Chu Kong come looking for me? Upon finding that I was missing, would he be panicstricken like Lu Hai Kong? I suddenly wanted to see his expression, all in a disarray. He was such a prideful person, and besides, he really cared about face, too; even if he needed to fake it, he’d act like he was calm. Not to mention, he didn’t need to go on a rampage because of me. We both knew that we wouldn’t “die”. Wouldn’t it be great fun, to enjoy his distress consequence-free…?

When I next awoke, my whole body was unbearably cold. Although my period was over, this cold was like the continuation of it: I could feel it all the way down to my bones. I rubbed my arms and took a look around. In all four directions, there was nothing but trees. I wondered where this forest was. The snow on the ground was swept. A bunch of people in black were sitting together. They didn’t light a fire. No one spoke. They were silent, eyes closed like statues. I looked at the iron chain at my feet and gently moved a little. The sound of the chain immediately woke a few of the people in black. Even while they were sleeping, they didn’t take off the black cloth covering their face. With only their eyes exposed, I could see their cold gazes as they stared at me.

I pouted and whispered: “Are you out of coal or something? Why isn’t the fire lit? It’s so cold.”

“Do you still think that we’re in the capital of Qi Country, Your Royal Highness?” a female voice ridiculed me. “If you wanted to be warm, you shouldn’t have followed Chu Qinghui to the battlefield.”

I looked over and saw Xinyun sitting on a dead tree behind me. She was now completely different from when she was seducing Chu Qinghui in the capital. I said, “I didn’t want to come.”

If it wasn’t because Chu Kong wanted to go to war, I wouldn’t have been kidnapped.

“That Chu Qinghui actually let you follow him to the battlefield?”

Xinyun’s tone changed. She jumped off the dead tree and stood in front of me. Then, she lifted my chin and stared.

“What tricks did you use to let such a man lose his head like that...”

I thought for a moment and continued to display my best quality, which was honesty. “Body tricks.”

We swapped souls and shared a body. In this lifetime, there were no secrets between me and Chu Kong.

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